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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 2, 2011
I post this as one of our two cats is trying to take over my desk, telling me that it is now time for her.
Technically she's on the external hdd that's next to the Mac mini, but I thought it was close enough.


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Puma is always laying, stepping or sitting on my keyboard while I'm trying to use it!


Or sitting in front of the screen (where it's warm).

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We have a pure breed Bombay. We once had a domestic shorthair that we were convinced was a Bombay. If you are close, you have a great cat. Pocket Panther's/Lap Velcro.

Here are some pics of our Bombay. FWIW - the pics are all 5 - 7 years old. I happen playing around with my wife's Apple ID and iPhoto.

Dash "babysitting" a neighbors child's beta fish when the family was on vacation.


Copper Eyes


Old pic, when we had the windows redone we had the windowsill extended out 5 inches so that the cats can use them with the windows closed.


I apologize, I will post pics of the cats around, on the macs soon.
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Not exactly cats, but I figured this was an appropriate photo for this topic.
They're two Tervueren shepherds, one of which is sleeping on the side of my MacBook Pro.

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