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freeny said:
Wasn't judging you in the least.

My comment about being a b*tch was from first hand experience.
She treated everyone in the room with total disregard and rudeness. God forbid she had to be in the presence of people who actually work. And work to make her look good for that matter

Trust me, she would walk all over you in a second regardless of how much of a fan you were.

She doesnt deserve your adoration or your hard earned cash imo.
I completely agree. I don't dislike Mariah or judge you or anything, I just think you'd be disappointed if you met her. Oh, and a word of advice, people: NEVER show any large, not entirely normal (anything but CDs, DVDs, comic books) collections on an internet forum.
And lullaby, rethink the poster over your bed please.
mariahlullaby said:
I don't understand what's so creepy about collecting her CDs and magazine's for God's sake. I'm not going to try and defend myself...I'm just saying, I'm not stalking the woman.

Please tell me you listen to other music though!
bartelby said:
Please tell me you listen to other music though!

Yes of course, I'm not crazy. I listen to all kinds of other music. And I don't love everything Mariah has done, there's plenty of her songs I hate. But she's my favorite.

And I've met Mariah on several occasions in several different contexts. She's human. Yes, like every other human, she can be b*tchy sometimes; and she's over-the-top and grandiose. She gets tired and stressed sometimes, like anyone. But to her FANS -- not necessarily to a stranger who is talking to her just because she's famous or they know "We Belong Together" -- she is amazing. She has extremely close relationships to her fans and treats us really well. And in general, Mariah is a really caring, beautiful person.

freeny said:
She treated everyone in the room with total disregard and rudeness. God forbid she had to be in the presence of people who actually work. And work to make her look good for that matter

I also hate that everyone assumes that because she is an entertainer, she must not work hard. And give me an example of her treating "everyone" with rudeness. And disregard? What did you want from her?
wow, I am really a boring guy. I have no collection of anything per se. I guess I have a decent size cd collection. However, they're all in binders, so it's not something to "show" in a thread.

My only 'collection' is my Edge magazines, plus the special editions and all ten covers of the 'Tenth Anniversary' issue. I've subscribed since issue 1, and about eleven/twelve years later it's on issue 168.

No pictures though, since the old issues are bagged and in the attic, and the current issues are under the bed.
miTunes75 said:
wow, I am really a boring guy. I have no collection of anything per se. I guess I have a decent size cd collection. However, they're all in binders, so it's not something to "show" in a thread.

Don't feel bad. I have no collections to speak of either. I thought I did until I saw this thread and looked around my place. :(

I've got nothing except a rather large collection of porn. No magazines or DVD's, just downloaded content, and it's probably not a good idea to post a screenshot of the folder in which they are contained... you thought mariahlullaby's post was freaky... :eek:
mariahlullaby said:
I'm sorry I ever posted those pictures. Since when did a board of strangers get the right to judge me based on my collection of CDs?

Go ahead, think she's a b*tch. I personally don't care.

You shouldn't be sorry, you have a right to do whatever you want without the need for an apology. Your a fan of MC, so what, its no big deal.
daneoni said:
You shouldn't be sorry, you have a right to do whatever you want without the need for an apology.
I second that. Just learn from it. Learn that we live in a society where you can't show these kinda things.:(
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