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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Great summary, I couldn't have said it any better. The loss of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, the destruction of Alderaan in front of Leias eyes, the death of Owi Wan, the devastating defeat at Hoth, Lukes Training, Hans freezing, the loss of Lukes hand, the reuniting of Han and Leia, the turn to the light side and death of Vader and the turn to the dark side of Anakin were emotional on a level that the sequels never reached.

I don't know if any of you know the Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn from the Mid 90ies. In my opinion these books did everything right in terms of proper Star Wars sequels. They brought enough new to the table to stand their own ground, yet remained incredibly faithful to the lore. The new characters like Thrawn and Mara Jade were deep and interesing, as were the new locations. For example Landos new mining project was a moving city atop of dozens of old AT-ATs on the dark side of a planet close to a sun. What a followup to Cloud City. Imagine that on the big screen. Zahn also came up with Coruscant as the capital planet.

With Disney Star Wars pretty much all we get are the next desert, ice and forest planets. Like there's nothing else in this galaxy.

I often think, why oh why didn't they turn the Thrawn Books into sequels back in the late 90ies or early 2000s, when the original Cast was still young enough to pull it off. Well, in a couple of years some tech savvy nerd can probably create this using deep fakes and AI generated images in his celar. :)
I was actually waiting for the Thrawn series to come out back then. I had heard that Lucas was going to allow authors to write books in his galaxy and absent any sequels (which I expected before the prequels) I was hungry for that. I already knew Zahn as I was a big fan of the Cobra trilogy (heyyyyyy…where did Halo and Master Chief get some of their plot ideas now?!)

Mara Jade is also a favorite of mine. Fortunately the whole Thrawn thing seems to have been relegated to Dave Filoni's good hands. Ahsoka is another favorite so I know Filoni and Favreau will treat Thrawn right (Filoni already has with Thrawn).

I had expected the sequels to in their own way hand off 'successors' to Leia, Luke and Han with those original three characters being mentors or trainers, or…something. That didn't happen and because of it we are now stuck with deaging the originals.

The newer Star Trek movies were successful in part (their level of success can be argued) because the main actors had a say in who the torch was handed to for their characters. The Star Wars sequels didn't even get that.
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macrumors 6502
May 28, 2015
Just an happy Wallstreet...



macrumors 6502
Dec 8, 2019
The Lab DX
the emperor's new clothes
Picture 1.png

...... it is literally the same as the Twelve, DAMN IT
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macrumors 6502
Oct 20, 2020
For decades my background has been more or less the same across all OSes and all machines. From OS7.6 to Yosemite.
Those in the trade will understand, for others it's just a bit of trolling :D


  • desktop pic.png
    desktop pic.png
    83.2 KB · Views: 90
For decades my background has been more or less the same across all OSes and all machines. From OS7.6 to Yosemite.
Those in the trade will understand, for others it's just a bit of trolling :D

Honestly surprised there isn’t a demarcator on the bar for 18 per cent grey (or 82 per cent, if counting from the other end).

Also, that’s a CMYK RGB greyscale bar, if my eyes aren’t playing tricks on me.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Just because I've got the 17" PowerBook back up, I'm going to post this again. I'm sure you can find earlier examples in this (as of now) 27 page thread, but here is it today on March 29, 2024.

Note, screencap taken through the Screensharing app.

Screen Shot 2024-03-29 at 07.40.57.jpg

This is my longest running background. It has remained unchanged (because once I settle on something I like…) except for the stuff around it for at least 7 (if not more) years now.

The clocks are three different instances of Simple Floating Clock, the word clock, date, black bars, console readout and logo are all through Geektool. It's subtle, but Geektool also has a cutout image of Audrey Meadows so that her hair appears ABOVE the black bar and not behind it. Getting it to align with the background was a doozy at the time.

The moon phase is the LAST vestige of Yahoo Widgets that is still working. There used to be two or three more Yahoo widgets I was using but they relied on outside data (weather) and those servers eventually shut down or went behind a paywall.


macrumors 65816
Jul 21, 2016
Just because I've got the 17" PowerBook back up, I'm going to post this again. I'm sure you can find earlier examples in this (as of now) 27 page thread, but here is it today on March 29, 2024.

Note, screencap taken through the Screensharing app.

View attachment 2363500

This is my longest running background. It has remained unchanged (because once I settle on something I like…) except for the stuff around it for at least 7 (if not more) years now.

The clocks are three different instances of Simple Floating Clock, the word clock, date, black bars, console readout and logo are all through Geektool. It's subtle, but Geektool also has a cutout image of Audrey Meadows so that her hair appears ABOVE the black bar and not behind it. Getting it to align with the background was a doozy at the time.

The moon phase is the LAST vestige of Yahoo Widgets that is still working. There used to be two or three more Yahoo widgets I was using but they relied on outside data (weather) and those servers eventually shut down or went behind a paywall.
Really like that screencap. Good job!


macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2018
So, my Powerbook G4 15" was having harddrive issues, and I tried to replace the harddrive over the weekend, and it wasn't showing up, so I didn't put it in properly or something (I couldn't find it to format it). It's loading, turning on and working fine through the external SSD (yes, I will come back to it and check the IDE inside it and make sure it's fine over the holidays).

In the meantime, I pulled out my Powerbook G4 17" 1.33 GHz as a spare machine because Leopard runs like a dog on my 1GHz Powerbook G4 12" (even with some performance mods running on it), so now I am using the 17" until I bother to fix the 15" on Leopard, and I decided to customize it:

Picture 1.png

I thought that it looked pretty cool with Nocturne on the menu bar, and the transparent dock and This Fool wallpaper (it's a show I'm currently watching with a friend, and it's pretty good. Shame it got cancelled after two seasons).

It's running decently enough at the moment, and I hope it stays that way. I am running the Leopard Performance Tweaks on it, and they seem to be doing it the world of good. I'm going to try and get email and several apps up and running on it tonight.

I guess this is my Easter project, now. I've been busy with life and off the forums, so now it's nice to just repair some things over the break.

Happy Easter, by the way.


macrumors 65816
Aug 2, 2015
It's been 9(!) years since I posted a desktop shot, so here's one of my game development G4 "Cube" (actually, a Mini G4 stuffed into a Cube case, with some power button and LED mods done):


You can *just* about make out the tiny power switch in the airflow cutout above the power LED. All mods are reversible, from the Cube to the Mini:

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