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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
So, we have a very long thread on this subject in the PowerPC section. I checked and I don't think we have one here.

So, I'll start. On my MP, fairly minimal, I just like the texture as it doesn't distract (and of course, it's black). On the right screen I have Simple Floating Clock. I've set it to the Desktop level and to allow clickthroughs (so basically it's part of the desktop background).

2021-03-07 09.51.02.jpg

And then here is my MBP. Audrey Meadows of course, but stylized with the same background I'm using on my MP.



macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
Mac Mini, early 2009.

As you would see it if you were in front of it:

2021-03-07 10.13.49.jpg

As it would appear as I normally see it through Screen Sharing (menubar hidden, showing drives):


With menubar:


Yes, I intentionally sized the background in one large Photoshop file and then saved it out in two halves, one per monitor. So when you use screen sharing it shows seamlessly as one image (because - no bezels).


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
OK, I did some work today. I have some criteria in my head because the Mini in the garage is for two specific purposes and so the wallpaper is unique to it and designed to reflect that (it really only matters to me).

Here's the physical pic and the screensharing pic.

2021-03-07 14.36.37.jpg


In case you care to know…Polgara the Sorceress on the left from David Eddings books and on the right an artist's take on Moiraine Damodred from the Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan).


macrumors 68030
Jan 8, 2008
Tampa, Florida
Most of my machines use one of two backgrounds. The first is the graphite version of the Panther default desktop, still my favorite overall.
Screen Shot 2021-03-08 at 12.35.47 PM.png

The second is the darker of the two linen patterns from back when Apple was obsessed with everything linen.
Screen Shot 2021-03-08 at 12.36.12 PM.png

Both get toggled between fairly regularly, though I've been moving most of my machines to the Panther picture as of late. I've attached them both below for your desktop pleasure. Both screenshots are from my recently-resurrected early 2008 15" MBP :D


  • Linen.png
    87.4 KB · Views: 209
  • Panther Aqua Graphite.jpg
    Panther Aqua Graphite.jpg
    98.1 KB · Views: 251


Jun 8, 2018
Screen Shot 2021-03-09 at 11.47.47 AM.png
I try to keep fairly simple... Photograph of Bastion Square in Victoria, unfortunately the image is quite a bit smaller than the screen res but it gives it a cool look in this case, IMO.

My Intel Tiger machines are boring. Stock wallpaper and dock for the most part. I might upload one from my G5 to the other thread.


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
I am expecting to hear sometime this week about the delivery of my table and chair. In light of that, and my idea to turn my two 23" Cinema Displays vertical (posted here) I've slowly been cobbling together a new master panorama for my central four displays.

Here's what I've got going so far. Note, that of course, it's not complete. Also, you won't see the Photoshop guides or the giant blue blocks (those are for reference only). But once I get it all done, I'll stamp it, and drop it into at screenres/size documents and then save out flat jpgs for each display.

Master Panarama Background 4x Cinema Displays.psd @ 25% (Magic, RGB-8) *.png

I've found this to be the most efficient way for me to assemble a graphic that spans displays. It keeps everything at the correct size and resolution and there are no seams or gaps between displays.

PS. Moiraine Damodred (on the right) was clipped out and I found a background to match the one painted behind Polgara (on the left). I have both women edged towards the sides of the displays because I expect application palettes to run down the inside edges.

Jack Neill

macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2015
San Antonio Texas
Most of my machines use one of two backgrounds. The first is the graphite version of the Panther default desktop, still my favorite overall.
View attachment 1740778

The second is the darker of the two linen patterns from back when Apple was obsessed with everything linen.
View attachment 1740779

Both get toggled between fairly regularly, though I've been moving most of my machines to the Panther picture as of late. I've attached them both below for your desktop pleasure. Both screenshots are from my recently-resurrected early 2008 15" MBP :D
I love the Linen tile, looks fantastic on my M1 Air and the Woolnex case. Thanks!


macrumors 6502
May 28, 2015
Ahh desktop screenshots… I love screenshots .

Here two of my Intel 17" MBPs.
Jack-Torrance is a 2011 MBP 8,3 , still running strong on his intel graphic. And yes, I should clean the desktop :
(She seems intrigued by the OPenBSD folder...)
Wallpaper is from 1968 Italian movie « Acid, Delirio Dei Sensi » poster.
(Never watched it btw… Will have to find it).
Modified, original was like this:

And Jesus-Quintana is a 2006 MBP 2,1 , on SnowLeopard.

Wallpaper is one from Ari Weinkle’s Spiral set used by Apple .

Funny that as much as I like customizing the look of my older machines, I keep my main working MBP almost "stock", and with an empty desktop.

Will have to revive the desktop image/Screenshots section in the PPC section too…
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macrumors 6502
May 28, 2015
So, this is how it worked out. Decided just to modify the old desktop background a bit.

View attachment 1776212
Beautiful .
Btw, I have one of these old firewire iSight cam on top of my iMac G5, there is a magnet in the iMac case to stick it there, works perfect.
But found out that leaving it plugged permanently to the iMac will randomly make it crash when the iMac sleeps. Completely random, the iMac can sleep a week without a crash, then one day (or night... cool), kernel panic with fans full speed. Took me months to find out it was that cam that caused it. Thought it was my system, or the condos (but they had been replaced already) Hd... ect... But now I Know. Only plug that iSight if I want to use it.
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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
Beautiful .
Thanks! Not as *perfect* as I'd like but sometimes my image searches ask too much I think. I did get rid of the double use of the characters though so that was good.

Btw, I have one of these old firewire iSight cam on top of my iMac G5, there is a magnet in the iMac case to stick it there, works perfect.
But found out that leaving it plugged permanently to the iMac will randomly make it crash when the iMac sleeps. Completely random, the iMac can sleep a week without a crash, then one day (or night... cool), kernel panic with fans full speed. Took me months to find out it was that cam that caused it. Thought it was my system, or the condos (but they had been replaced already) Hd... ect... But now I Know. Only plug that iSight if I want to use it.
I may have been a victim of that, but so long ago I do not recall. This iSight is plugged into the 30" monitor on the left, which is then plugged into my MP via a FW800/400 adapter. I've had it plugged in either this way or directly since I got the MP. And I'm using the same set up with my Mini in the garage.

That said…since 2005 I do not allow any Mac I own to sleep. I do allow display sleep, but that's it. It's an old habit, back to when the G5 at my work (in 2005) would crash when sleeping. That was a OS bug that Apple fixed but by the time they did that I had gotten used to simply tapping the spacebar or clicking the mouse and getting instant screen wakeup. So, I may not be encountering what you encountered simply because I do not allow my Macs to sleep.


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
OK, updates. Found the sun like background image while browsing Flipboard. It's an image of a black hole. I just have the energy, magicky ball thing in front of it.

On the acrylic ACD I've placed one of my images of Audrey Meadows. I'm using Deskcovery to have windows minimized to the title bars. I also have the TV off, but that image did not change.

2021-07-14 09.48.57.jpg


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
I'm surprised she doesn't get all your monitors to show off :D
LOL! She's actually on quite a few of my other Macs and has dominated things since about 2014 or so. Just look through the desktop background threads for PowerPC, :D

The other two are dominating at the moment because of something I am involved in. Unfortunately, unlike Audrey Meadows there is very little art for them.

I tend to use themes for backgrounds on my Macs. On the MP, the idea is creation. Same theme on the Mini that I keep in the garage (but not during summer), but the Mini is off right now.
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macrumors 6502
Jun 12, 2020
my mavericks desktop on my mac pro (WIP replacing my old mojave install with a triple boot mavericks + snow leopard + tiger aka the best 3 os x for intel, that way i can play my ppc games in tiger, use older ppc software like imovie 06 in snow leo, and use modern software 95% of which is still compatible in mavericks):

i also got a 2008 macbook today that i'm working on setting up, i will post pics soon :)

Screen Shot 2021-07-14 at 9.09.23 PM.png


macrumors 6502
May 28, 2015


macrumors 6502
May 28, 2015
OK, updates. Found the sun like background image while browsing Flipboard. It's an image of a black hole. I just have the energy, magicky ball thing in front of it.

On the acrylic ACD I've placed one of my images of Audrey Meadows. I'm using Deskcovery to have windows minimized to the title bars. I also have the TV off, but that image did not change.

View attachment 1806193
It's hypnotic.
But I think I'd be afraid to be sucked on the other side in the swirling plasma, staring too long at that setup.

Also, a flightsim would be a thing to try here, the screens almost matches the cockpit windows of a DC-3 :D

Capture d’écran 2021-07-16 à 08.28.15.png
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