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Should we keep our picture gallery threads clean of NSFW photos?

  • Yes

    Votes: 31 16.6%
  • No

    Votes: 121 64.7%
  • In-between - maybe something like a separate thread

    Votes: 44 23.5%

  • Total voters


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 12, 2005
St. Louis, MO
As a member of Macrumors forums for quite some time, I have loved browsing though the Picture Gallery threads, specifically the desktop threads as it inspired new wallpapers, gives me an idea of what apps people use, and shows uff desktop customization tools such as GeekTool.

BUT, in the past 2 years I have been very disappointed with the increase in NSFW photos across these threads. For people like myself that view these forums at work, on the go, and at home, I think having threads that include NSFW photos just makes it awkward for all of us to enjoy them wherever we are.

Because of photos like this, I, and I'm sure many others, have to instead view these threads in the privacy of our own offices or homes just because someone posts a desktop with a scantly clad female.

I think it would benefit the community as a whole by censoring these type of posts, and maybe even including them in a separate thread if people still felt that they wanted to post them.

I wanted to make a public statement and poll asking what the members of Macrumors think of this. Do people care about including NSFW photos in threads such as "Post your desktop", or is this something only I feel should warrant censorship?

What do people think...I am open to hearing other's thoughts.

Thank You
I have never had a NSFW picture as my desktop, but I don't have a problem with it being posted. In the first 4 pages of this months thread, there has been one "nsfw" picture that I honestly wouldn't be afraid to look at in front of my mom.
this is a non issue. I've never seen anything that bad on these forums. I've probably read posts that are far more offensive than the things in the picture forums.
Then just don't look at it when you're at work. You're supposed to be working anyway, not looking at picture threads...


And obviously the people who think that the moment a NSFW picture pops out of nowhere that it makes the person viewing it bad, need to get over it. That's just how the internet works, and obviously there are millions who like putting stuff like that all over their phone and computers. I don't get it either, but whatever, I'm not going to argue against it because there are more important things in life to worry about.
A better solution is - don't browse desktop threads at work.
Exactly. If a possible half naked person is a problem at work - don't browse the thread at work.

With that said - I tend to avoid nekid people as desktop wallpapers myself - my teenage daughters would probably roll their eyes at me more than they already do if they saw them.
Not suitable for work? Perhaps don't view those at work...

Be thankful that they are labeled. The choice thereafter is up to you, whether you choose to view them in inappropriate settings or not.
Then just don't look at it when you're at work. You're supposed to be working anyway, not looking at picture threads...


And obviously the people who think that the moment a NSFW picture pops out of nowhere that it makes the person viewing it bad, need to get over it. That's just how the internet works, and obviously there are millions who like putting stuff like that all over their phone and computers. I don't get it either, but whatever, I'm not going to argue against it because there are more important things in life to worry about.

Some of us like to spend our lunch breaks at work browsing MacRumors, so I can definitely see the issue.

In a workplace, it's not always so easy to tell your boss or colleagues to "get over it". Not if you want to keep your job or have a comfortable working environment at any rate.
Sorry, but that is your risk to take. The thread is CLEARLY marked "NSFW'. You choose to proceed knowing what might be there.
BUT, in the past 2 years I have been very disappointed with the increase in NSFW photos across these threads. For people like myself that view these forums at work, on the go, and at home, I think having threads that include NSFW photos just makes it awkward for all of us to enjoy them wherever we are.

Because of photos like this, I, and I'm sure many others, have to instead view these threads in the privacy of our own offices or homes just because someone posts a desktop with a scantly clad female.

my first question for you is why are you on MR while you're at work? is it related to what you do in any way or is it just for pleasure? if you are lucky enough to have your own office just turn your monitor away from the doorway. problem solved.

also, viewing MR on the go is not an issue so don't make it one. Who cares what people on the train see? There definitely is not an extensive amount of NSFW content, no one is going to think you are a pervert. Just keep scrolling.

last, why do you think the term NSFW exists in the first place?
While I can certainly see everyone's point and I agree that it's not for everyone's work i think people are getting caught up on a subpoint of my discussion.

I did not want to discuss whether NSFW photos were appropriate at work...since based on this sentence it's really not a hard argument to win.

I was simply pointing out that I look at these threads at places other than in my own room. This could be on the subway, on the train, around the house where there is family, really anywhere in public, work. The work thing really though has little to do with my general point, of having our desktops threads having NSFW photos increase over the past 5 years. I just question why this is. 5 years ago there was never a NSFW label on any of our threads.

But, I am willing to listen to others even if I disagree. It seems this is a feature people are looking for when they browse desktop wallpaper threads...not my thing but that's ok.

Thanks for all the responses though!
I am going to assume you are referring to my desktop that I posted in the October Desktop thread. Can someone please post a definition of what is NSFW? A woman in a bra? A man in a banana hammock? A cat in a bikini? I am not sure who you could police that type of post. If the mods want to pay attention to this then my all means I will abide by the rules that THEY set. Until then I will post in the Desktop threads. If they choose to make a NSFW desktop thread and CLEARY tell me what is NSFW I will post there if I can actually define my desktop as NSFW.
This poll is awesome for those who can't decide, just select all the options and go! :D
Why do we need to put the clamps down on users? If you're at a place where you can't see certain things. Then don't open the Picture Gallery threads there.
Why do we need to put the clamps down on users? If you're at a place where you can't see certain things. Then don't open the Picture Gallery threads there.

Exactly. There's really no reason to change things. Even if you want to browse at work you should skip any NSFW threads if they'll be an issue.
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