My first was a samsung flip top that I cant remember the name of. I was 8 or 9 at the time and it had a digiscreen but I thought I was so cool with it, haha.
The first I can remember the name off was this Nokia 3220 which was my second phone and I bought it with either christmas or birthday money when I was 9 or 10. It lit up at the side and it was a pretty good phone!
The I had 12 more phones including Windows phones, Blackberries, and iPhone 3GS which I bought off ebay (it didn't work too well) and Android phones. Quite a few of these where hand me downs or bought with my own money. The others came on contract that my Mum paid for.
Now I have this, my iPhone 4 which I got as a present for passing all my GCSEs. I near died when my parents said they wanted to get me something this expensive! They first said iPad but I already had a Kindle Fire so I asked for an iPhone of the same value as I was using a HORRIBLE Android phone as my dog ate my good one at that time and they said yes
So, 15 phones by the age of 16! That is ridiculous, even with a fair few being hand me downs when my parents where finished with them...