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macrumors member
Jan 31, 2008
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
attached are my two guitars
an Epiphone Les Paul Studio Gothic PB
and and Epiphone Thunderbird Classic IV Pro in vintage sunburst.
If you haven't bought Rock Smith yet, do you yourself a favour, it's a lot of fun.

Click the image for it to appear the right way up (at least on my machine it does)


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macrumors 603
Jun 12, 2006
I can't remember if I posted my guitar??

My main guitar for almost everything is an ESP/LTD Viper that I later modded with chrome Bigsby and chrome parts. The backup I have these days is an Ibanez Artcore AS model.


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macrumors 68030
Jun 21, 2007
On The Interweb Thingy!
I can't believe this thread died off, let's see if we can't breathe some life back in to it.

It's been a long time since I posted in this thread myself, so I'm as negligent as the next man, but safe to say in the years that have passed my collection has improved. I never did get the 12 string I wanted, despite going through with the extension of my house. I have however replaced the Squier Fender Stratocaster with a MiM Fender Standard Stratocaster HH in Olympic White. I've also added a Martin LXK2 Little Martin to my collection. The Keiper is still around, but it's just not near the quality of my other guitars so it doesn't get picked up as much.

So....what you got these days?
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macrumors 65816
Dec 31, 2012
Oxford UK
My gear as of now...


1962 Fender Jazz... bit knackered... waiting for a retro fit of vintage Alnico pups and stack knob controls.
I rather ruined this bass since I bought it, 40 years ago!
Has a John East J-Retro preamp that always blows my cabs! Enough... back to passive! Oh... and I removed the frets.


2002 Precision Custom... My fave fretted (my only one!) Real P Bass sound... a cheapy, blind off the bay.
Damn lucky buy.
Colour is interesting... green but looks blue in some light. Bullet truss is rare on a Mexi.


My main gig bass... 2004 Jap Fender Precision, all black hardware, Bartolini pickups.
Rare 'Capri Orange' colour.

These days I play mainly Drum&Bass...
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macrumors regular
Mar 14, 2015
1,000 Mil From Nowhere
Are you bass or guitar?
Love the DB.. teles are my fave guitars although I'm strictly bass meself.

What style of music do you play?

Mainly guitar, I can play a bass if I need to and I can even get a sound out of the DB when I get the urge.

By no means could I play it professionally.

Although the DB is used from time to time it is more a conversational piece than anything.

As far as what I play, I sing, play rhythm with a little lead here and there. Most of the time I try to keep a good, young, motivated guitar player in my band to handle most of the lead.

I play mostly outlaw, honky tonk, Texas style country music. Majority of it from the 60s and 70s, maybe a touch of the early 80s.

Things like Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, Buck Owens, Hank Jr., Merle Haggard, Willie Nelson, and David Allan Coe.
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macrumors 601
Mar 8, 2005
Cumming, GA
Fender Standard MIM Strat, Ibanez AFJ95, and Epiphone ES-339. The Epi rarely gets played as I can't stand the thin neck.


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macrumors member
Jan 31, 2008
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
attached are my two guitars
an Epiphone Les Paul Studio Gothic PB
and and Epiphone Thunderbird Classic IV Pro in vintage sunburst.
If you haven't bought Rock Smith yet, do you yourself a favour, it's a lot of fun.

Click the image for it to appear the right way up (at least on my machine it does)

I've added an Epiphone Les Paul Junior to the group as well (got it with a copy of rocksmith 2014 for Playstation 3)

I'm thinking of picking up some Jackson 3/4 scale guitars for the kids (aged 4,4,6)


macrumors 65816
Apr 9, 2011
San Diego
Left to right
  • 1980's Yamaha Motion B (passive)
  • 1984 USA (Fullerton) Standard Fender P
  • 2015 MIA Standard Fender Jazz



macrumors 6502
Nov 7, 2021
A small island near Europe
Squire Mustang
Squire Telecaster
Fender Stratocaster

The Mustang, strangely, came with a tremolo arm that did't fit. I spoke to a nice chap at Fender and he sent me a replacement, it fits but it's so loose it falls out!!!

It's a shame as the Mustang is my favourite. I don't play very often now, used to be quite enthusiastic when I was young. Must be using the wrong technique on the Strat, I often right hand damp and the tremolo bridge seems to move and it affects the sound. Probably me just being daft.

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macrumors 68020
May 11, 2012
Thanks for bumping, I forgot all about this thread - last time I visited was Dec. 2012 !
A lot has happened since then. I sold all of my guitars, but not the Martin ukulele.
And then I added two ukuleles: Kanilea Baritone SUS-B / Romero Signature Tenor.


(not my pictures)
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macrumors 6502
Nov 7, 2021
A small island near Europe
Thanks for bumping, I forgot all about this thread - last time I visited was Dec. 2012 !
A lot has happened since then. I sold all of my guitars, but not the Martin ukulele.
And then I added two ukuleles: Kanilea Baritone SUS-B / Romero Signature Tenor.

View attachment 2368517
(not my pictures)
It never occurred to me it might be an old thread, glad it’s ok to use it. I used to have a baby Taylor, which was really quite nice. But to be honest, I really don’t play acoustic. So I gave it to a good friend of mine. As much as I like my Fenders, I used to own a mid range Ibanez, I stupidly sold it and I regret it now. It was a fantastic guitar. And as much as I like metal, I don’t play metal, so it almost felt out of place. My Fenders reflect my love for Nirvana, and Kurt’s unique playing. When I was very enthusiastic as a teen, my then tutor got me into Steve Vai, and Satriani. I grew a deep respect for how gifted they both are at playing, and still enjoy their music now. But it’s not a style I would want to emulate, not only is it too difficult for me, but I like very raw and dirty distorted guitars. I did teach myself to play Midnight, by Satriani. It’s on surfing with the alien. Really liked that piece.
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