Actually, I don't think there has been a "Post your Hackintosh" thread- just something like post your Hackintosh geekbench scores. I could be wrong though.
Anyway, here's mine:
Yup. That's it in all its glory. This is pretty much all that actually shows of it.
My monitor setup is twin 23" NECs:
I'm running OSX 10.7 and loving it- this system -in various configurations- has run every version of OSX since 10.5.5 and it's still going strong. Still rocking a Core2 Quad, but I'll eventually upgrade to an i7. I'm waiting on the right Sandybridge/Hackintosh solution first.
I used to have the PC in a standard case that sat inside a closet, but the move to my new smaller 'man cave' led to my reconfiguring it. Why even bother with a PC case that has to go inside the desk, when I may as well just make the desk into the computer case. This solved any airflow and heat problems I may have had otherwise.
When you open the door, here's what the Hackintosh
really looks like:
The motherboard is mounted to an acrylic test bench, and 3 of my hard drives are in their own rack with a 120mm fan strapped to it. (Below the DVD-R). Another hard drive is on the underside of the test bench. I may eventually mount the DVD-R under the lower shelf, but it's not a high priority- I barely use it.