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Original poster
Nov 20, 2008
I think it's been a while since we did this, so I'll start. This is my apartment in urban Japan. It's located in a beautiful, traditional neighborhood about a ten minute walk north of UNESCO Heritage Site Himeji Castle. The nice thing about the location is that it's super quiet; the castle gets lots of tourists, but the main train station is south of the castle, so people get off, go straight out to the castle, and straight back to the station--the north side is far prettier and never has any tourists. Also have a nice long creek right outside that runs through my neighborhood and to the castle moat--perfect for morning jogs. Best part? Nice apartment in a beautiful neighborhood, and it only costs $300/month, with no deposits.

In each pic, mouldings and such look yellow or the fluorescent lights may look blue; this is not how it is in real life at all, everything is bright white (bathroom too, that all looks yellow) and really nice. It's a result of taking them with a crappy iPhone. Anyway...

Front door, entryway, and simple single burner kitchen. The fridge and freezer are below the burner, and the bathroom is opposite.


Little "closet" for cleaning stuff next to the door.


Cabinets. Living simple and clean. What you see there is what I own in terms of dishware.


Bathroom, like I said much brighter and nicer looking in person.


Kitchen/entry as seen from the main room (horrible white balance). The tray on the floor there where I have the four-drawer thing is actually where the washer is to go, but I want to dry my clothes in a dryer (Japanese people don't generally use dryers) anyway so I just go to the coin laundry.



Looking in from the entry.


Desk setup and ladder to the huge loft where I sleep. Loft=high ceilings FTW. There's also a nice bright light up in the loft. FWIW the MBP there has been replaced with an i7.


Main room with little lights I put on the bottom of the loft for my desk. There's also a big fluorescent light in the ceiling in the center of the room (off). This apartment has a ton of light, can be super bright but I like to relax at night with just a few lights on.


Everything is from IKEA except the rug and the curtains.


Corner table, before I got a little TV for it.


Got a free little TV from work, I'll take it.


Loft above (nothing interesting, just huge with lots of blankets/pillows).


Desk/closet area.


Frosted glass door separating the main room from the front.

4817520705_dcf3c6e23c_z.jpg's all there. Gotta live simple and clean here. No junk.


Kicking back with a frosty mug.


The icing on the cake--a little premium yard to set up a BBQ zone. This was taken when I needed new flowers for those planters, and before I added some better camping chairs with the drink holders in the arms. Neighbors need to weed.


Standing on a chair looking up the street to see the fall festival begin to make its way down my street.


And there we go!

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Looks neat, puma1552! How many square feet/meters is your place? I live in a tiny place (by our standards, from what I understand, Japan is a bit different) here in the States: about 420 sq ft. I've been there for 3 years and I must say, I really like living small.
That looks EXTREMELY well organized! I couldn't live in such a small space. There's not even enough room for me to change my mind in there. Looks great though. I'd love to be be able to get rid of most of my stuff and live simply, but the crap that comes with some choices regarding marriage, pets and grandchildren just means more stuff.

Nice place!
Looks neat, puma1552! How many square feet/meters is your place? I live in a tiny place (by our standards, from what I understand, Japan is a bit different) here in the States: about 420 sq ft. I've been there for 3 years and I must say, I really like living small.

I'm not sure off hand what the size is, my estimate is 200 square feet give or take. It's a "6 mat" apartment, meaning that the main room would is the size of six tatami mats (traditional straw flooring mats). That puts it in the 120 square foot region give or take since tatami can vary in size a little bit. So I figure that plus the smaller front puts me right around 200 sq. feet. I too LOVE living small and neat; it's SO easy to clean (MAJOR cleaning takes about 1-1.5 hours, and that's washing floors etc.), and it forces you to streamline your life and not accumulate a bunch of useless crap. It actually doesn't feel super small though, because I have the high ceiling in the main room due to the loft, and because I have the door separating the main room from the front of the apartment.

Admittedly there is a suitcase and an LED ACD box up in the loft not pictured. Other than that though, what you see is what I have. I'd rather have a few really nice things than a lot of crappy things.

That looks EXTREMELY well organized! I couldn't live in such a small space. There's not even enough room for me to change my mind in there. Looks great though. I'd love to be be able to get rid of most of my stuff and live simply, but the crap that comes with some choices regarding marriage, pets and grandchildren just means more stuff.

Nice place!

Thanks! Yeah hopefully my girlfriend gets the hint that I don't like ANY junk in my place, ever, and I ALWAYS like it spotless. Actually some of the stuff in the closet on top of the chest of drawers is hers but what can you do? I really do like this place a lot. I do also have a parking space for my car at the top of the street too ($50 extra a month which is cheap for parking here).

The only thing I would like to change is adding a little more flowers/potters to the BBQ zone, and hanging some of my authentic ukiyo-e woodblock prints on the walls. Unfortunately my art collection is safely back in America. I could get more here, but it's more money I'd have to shell out for framing and then later shipping, which would be extremely expensive...but it would be nice to have a few traditional woodblock prints and maybe a couple candles in the room.
wow i could only live like that if i had MAJOR storage somewhere. i had a "small" studio in costa mesa CA that was 520 sq ft (which is actually big for a studio, most are less than 400 sq ft) and it was fine for me to live, but i had stuffed closets and my "storage" was lots of rubbermaid bins stacked on the balcony. recently my boyfriend and i went on vacation for nine days and rented a small one bedroom condo, which i estimate around 450 sq ft, and we barely had the room for just the things we had for the trip, i couldn't imagine what it would have been like had we had ALL our clothes, shoes, our hobbies, collectibles, car parts, extra blankets, holiday things, etc etc...
wow i could only live like that if i had MAJOR storage somewhere. i had a "small" studio in costa mesa CA that was 520 sq ft (which is actually big for a studio, most are less than 400 sq ft) and it was fine for me to live, but i had stuffed closets and my "storage" was lots of rubbermaid bins stacked on the balcony. recently my boyfriend and i went on vacation for nine days and rented a small one bedroom condo, which i estimate around 450 sq ft, and we barely had the room for just the things we had for the trip, i couldn't imagine what it would have been like had we had ALL our clothes, shoes, our hobbies, collectibles, car parts, extra blankets, holiday things, etc etc...

I'm the same way. I live in a 450 sq. ft. studio (that includes a balcony that I don't use) and though lots of floorspace is unused (I still want it to feel sort of open) the closets are jampacked full!

Although I love living in a one-room studio, the size gets to me sometimes. Ideally I want to live in a larger studio with tall ceilings and a wrap-around balcony. Gotta save up some cash. :)

But $300! WOW. I'd make compromises for that sort of pricing! :) Nice place!

I'll post up a photo of my little condo when I get a chance.
Nice apartment dude, I'm right in the middle of my apartment's renovation, i'll post some pics when it's finished! :)
Although I love living in a one-room studio, the size gets to me sometimes. Ideally I want to live in a larger studio with tall ceilings and a wrap-around balcony. Gotta save up some cash. :)

my boyfriend just sold his house and we're now in transition figuring out the next living situation. he occasionally throws around the words "studio" and "loft" and i think he's picturing a huge high ceiling place like in the movie big, lol. i don't think he realizes how tiny they realistically are. coming from a 1400 sq ft three bedroom house with a two car garage, there's no way the two of us plus two dogs could live in anything less than 800 sq ft, preferably with two bedrooms.
Looks like you've made a great home out of a small space. That couch looks like the Ikea Solsta sofa bed. I'll be picking up two of those soon. And the Vika/Amon desk! My bro and I have those.... going to get another one as well.

Just moved, so once everything is situated, I'll post pics!
Like it. Just one question though, do you have your irons shirts hanging out in your closet?

I, for one, do that after ironing and am in the tight space situation, and find that most work shirts get wrinkled afterwards. If you got tips, i sure will appreciate it :) !!
No offense - but I'd have to kill myself if I lived there.

No worries, it's not for everyone. Having the door separating the front from the main room really helps it feel not so small, gives it a degree of separation. Also the backyard helps. I've never felt that this place was too small or cramped, partially because of that and partially because I live a minimalist lifestyle with plenty of floor space as you can see. That said, I've lived this way no matter how big my places have been so it works well for me.

Disc Golfer said:
The things you own end up owning you.

This really is true. When I move out of here, I'll send 2-3 decent size boxes home (sell/give away the furniture to other friends here, it was all cheap anyway since it's IKEA stuff), and take my suitcase and backpack and that's it. Easy as pie, can be packed, cleaned, and out in a day. Love it. When I moved here from elsewhere in Japan, where I lived simple and clean already, I HAD to even still make some sacrifices and get rid of some stuff; some stuff I didn't really want to get rid of, but within a couple days of moving in here I tried to remember what it was that I was reluctant to toss but did, and I couldn't remember--thus, those things must not have been that important. Truthfully I was reluctant to even buy a rug or couch pillows but my lady twisted my arm, glad I did now because they make it feel comfortable and inviting.

The nice thing about owning two dishes? It takes about 90 seconds to wash them all when I'm having a dirty dishes crisis (no dishwasher of course). I remember the pile mounting up at my old place and I'd be like "Damn, I have to spend like a half hour washing these because I was too lazy to do it after each meal" and now I don't have that problem. :)

Looks like you've made a great home out of a small space. That couch looks like the Ikea Solsta sofa bed. I'll be picking up two of those soon. And the Vika/Amon desk! My bro and I have those.... going to get another one as well.

Just moved, so once everything is situated, I'll post pics!

That sounds familiar. FWIW though it pretty much sucks as a bed. The reason is because when you pull out the two cushions to unfold it, ok you have the two cushion parts, but the base of the sofa that they pull out from is just fabric covered hard wood. So basically 2/3 of the bed is soft, the other 1/3 is hard as a rock. This especially doesn't work well where the soft part meets the hard part because your shoulders sink in on the soft part; basically when you want to sleep you have to sleep the other way with your feet on the hard part, but it still kinda sucks. As a simple, compact sofa though, it fits the bill really well.

Like it. Just one question though, do you have your irons shirts hanging out in your closet?

I, for one, do that after ironing and am in the tight space situation, and find that most work shirts get wrinkled afterwards. If you got tips, i sure will appreciate it :) !!

They are hanging in there, but I don't iron them until the morning I go to work (mini ironing board). This is really just a benefit of being too lazy to iron a week's worth of shirts at once. :)
They are hanging in there, but I don't iron them until the morning I go to work (mini ironing board). This is really just a benefit of being too lazy to iron a week's worth of shirts at once. :)

Same for me, my closet space here is very limited so I just iron stuff the day before (or the day I'm going to wear them), and go with it.
Decorated for Halloween today. Could've done more, but again wanted to keep it pretty simple/clean, plus I didn't want to spend over about $30 and this is about as far as $30 goes here. All this stuff is going in the garbage in a week or two anyway, so I didn't want to spend much. I was really hoping to find a string of light up pumpkins (like xmas lights inside little plastic pumpkins), but I can't complain being that I was able to get what I did here. Would like to get a string of clear xmas lights and wind them into the garland under the loft though, will look tomorrow at the store.




A damn shame I'm not better at laying a spiderweb, this was harder than I thought but whatever, good enough.

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Your place is phenomenally organized with no clutter at all.

It's been my goal to de-clutter what is a small living space I am in with my wife in a 800 sq. ft. house with dog.

Our town has a very strict limit on lot size and we have 2,000 residents crammed into less than one square mile and unfortunately most people here live in a total cluttered mess.

I do have a goal to make my place a lot like yours and maybe you can give me some advice:

I have pretty much become paperless for the most part and a large database I use is completely online and I rarely print from it. I have a small business and I keep my tools in the garage and product (skateboards) in the house. I have a couple of guitars and a small amp (I donated the large Marshall stack amplifier) and I used to have walls of instruments I didn't play but I sold them off to finish college.

I took the advice of Carson Kressley and I don't have anything in my closet that doesn't get worn at least twice a year. Any stuff that sits in there for 7 months gets donated.

I used to keep school yearbooks, high school and college homework, very old tax information, but now I only keep my transcripts of old and only required financials.

Old furniture, even some good stuff is gone. While I like house plants, I don't need a greenhouse in my house. I have a Mac mini and my TV is a 15" inch flatscreen as well as my LCD for my Mac mini.

We have two cars and neatly keep them in our driveway and in a 4,000 square foot lot we have the house, a 400 square foot garage, the outdoor three car parking lot, and three small gardens.

We have improved on the space situation by having a stacked washer and dryer and we never had a need for a dishwasher so we use our kitchen's space to keep ample food around.

I would say I am in the top 25% percent of people who are uncluttered and organized but your setup is like the top 1% percent of efficiency. Anyways, Kudos to you.
Here is my apartment.

I have only lived here for 2 months, I have yet to really make a mark on the place I need to do a lighting solution and get some nice artwork up. Plus the lounge needs organizing to maximise the space.

I will post some pics closer to xmas once the lighting and artwork are in place.


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One more pic from the hall to the lounge...

Oh and sorry for not turning the last pictures up the correct way.


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63dot--it sounds like you are definitely on the right track. You just need to do what you are doing, and do it to a more serious level to clean out some more stuff.

jim--nice place! Is that some type of sauna I spy?
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