I like Alpha's better than yours.
Really? Because as far as I can tell, your stand is just about the complete opposite to Alpha's. But I guess thats the price I pay for being a dick!I sincerely apologise for any offence I may have caused with regard to my past comments, and hereby swear to never again utter such words. To be honest, its a good effort to make something rather than just going out to buy it, and I've made a couple of bits of furniture for my room in various A Level (I think its equivalent to what you guys would call Advanced Placement in the US?) projects that were more catered to what I wanted or needed (or maybe to what would get me a good grade, but I digress). And most times they worked out to be far more cost effective than their store bought equivalent, as well as that nice fuzzy feeling you get knowing you actually designed it, sourced all the materials and put the whole thing together from start to finish.
I accept your apology. But let me tell you the real reason that I made it. As I am only 15, I am still growing. With my display/MBP at such a low level (without a stand), my neck was hurting. So I decided to solve my neck pain issues by raising up my display and MBP. It serves its purpose, and it does that quite well.
I've got one of these too. Love it! I got it from Amazon so it wasn't full pop. It did stay in my cart for quite awhile before I caved and bought it...haha
Griffin Elevator. Cost me $20, and it's great.
Rain mStand
Hands down the best stand I ever used. It is so simple & it looks like it was made for my MBP. I got it from Costco. Can't remember what I paid for it, but it was better than the average going rate.
Here's Mine. My wife wanted something simple for her 11" MBA, so I whipped this up with some copper tubing and brass compression fittings I found in the garage. It acutally turned out quite nice.
Checkout the Prop. The Prop is a very portable and affordable ($18) laptop stand. My partner and and I have been developing this stand for over two years and right now it's on Kickstarter. This stand works great with every Macbook laptop we have tried it with, all the way from Air 11" to Pro 17".