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With the awesome Australia dollar a few weeks ago (0.99 Aus = 1.0 US) I purchased my first NFL premier jersey. After refreshing my order everyday, my jersey arrived. W00t!


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went to the store today and picked it up. already loving it :apple:


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I picked up The Force Unleashed 2, today (amongst several other things); and I think that does it for my October video game pickups. I *might* grab Fable 3 later this week if I think I have time for it; but otherwise, my next new release will probably be Black Ops for PC.


I've got several job interviews coming up in the next couple weeks; so I grabbed an extra shirt/tie so I don't have to repeat any outfits.


Also grabbed a "briefcase" to hold my laptop/resumes/pens/paperwork/etc, as I've only used a cheap Targus one in the past, and I wanted to be a little more fancy looking than that. :p


*Please wish me luck that at least one of these works out for me! It's a tough market out there for journalism students :eek: *

And then a couple movies, a controller, some magazines, food, blah, blah, blah. :rolleyes:
Thanks to Peapody, I was able to get one of these, so far I love it. Holds my MBP nicely.


I would make a guess that it is mainly to do with those famous faulty Nvidia GPUs. :(


The Apple Genius thought it was the logic board rather than the GPU, but I'm fairly certain it was the GPU as I wasn't having a single problem with the logic board. No crashes or anything. I was glad that there would be some warranty on the computer, at least the GPU, past the end of the warranty eight months from now.

At least you knew what you purchasing... :rolleyes:

I especially loved the "it's apparently a quad core."

Anyhow, just grabbed my iLife Up to date disc :D


Yeah, I was going by the iStat Menus showing four cores for some reason. Now I realize it has to do with hyperthreading. And I wasn't too familiar with the Core i5 architecture. I'm glad you take so much enjoyment from my mistake. :rolleyes:
After breaking yet another plate today, I decided to pick up some new dishes. I enjoyed the Correlle commercial where the supermodels are slipping on the runway and breaking their dishes so I thought I'd try these out. The square'ish design is new to me, I thought it looked more modern than our existing cheap stuff.

I bought what you see here x8 for just over $100, it smoothed over the situation with the misses sufficiently. ;) :)


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^^Armani Exchange


Dunno if imma keep them tho, i need black shoes that arent to sporty or too dressy....any suggestions/opinions? :confused:
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