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Nexus S

The Nexus S has the same hotness the Epic 4G does - the 4 buttons below the screen are totally invisible when the backlight is off. That's SOOOOOO cool.

I think the N-S just totally won me over for the sexy factor. It makes my G2 look kinda lame (and I like the G2.. would like it better had it not the chin & useless trackpad) XD

Another Christmas gift for the girlfriend.
Ugly sweater for my office Christmas party. Best I could do on short notice. I don't think I am going to win the ugliest sweater contest.

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Tickets to see this guy:

And some 99¢ games that I would never pay more than a couple of bucks for because I'll probably play them once and then forget about them.
I have not played SimCity in years, kinda looking forward to it.

Too bad he left Conan ):
I lost my favorite toque today. Had that sucker for 10 yrs :(.
Here's the replacement:


And a cheap, clearance sale Columbia jacket ~ mostly to make my order qualify for free shipping. I'm a sucker, I know. :cool:

The Nexus S has the same hotness the Epic 4G does - the 4 buttons below the screen are totally invisible when the backlight is off. That's SOOOOOO cool.
Hopefully they actually stay on for more than like 0.7 seconds. I have a Captivate, which I totally love, and it does the hidden button thing as well. But for some reason, Samsung thought that having the buttons turn off almost instantaneously was a good idea. You end up having to hit the bottom of the screen to "wake up" the buttons, then tap again to actually have the button register a press. It can get annoying. Hopefully with the Nexus S, the buttons just stay on as long as the screen is active. I've seen some videos of the phone, and it seems they did actually fix it like this, so that is good.

And yes, I fully agree. The Nexus S is a kickass looking phone. I love my Captivate so much, but I just HATE all the AT&T crapware, and Samsung's Touch Wiz ui is not much better. Getting the Galaxy S hardware with no fluff, just straight Android would be amazing. It would eliminate many of the tweaks and hacks you have to do to the normal Galaxy S phones to make them useful. I really want one, but I'm going to wait and see if they come out with either an AT&T versions so I can just swap my SIM, or a Verizon version and I'll change carriers.
Paid for Ebay seller fees, I officially have a ebay online store, click on the ebay link on my signature to check out the items that i am selling


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I hadn't heard the term before, is an airsoft gun a paintball gun? Apparently no one was being Motherly to yell at them "not in the house, go outside and shoot that thing"!:)

No, but you play in a similar fashion. It shoots plastic BBs, usually using a battery, around 300mph. And the guns are replicas of real, as opposed to the funny paintball guns. Mil-sim type of thing. I don't get to shoot enough people in the Army, so. :p
No, but you play in a similar fashion. It shoots plastic BBs, usually using a battery, around 300mph. And the guns are replicas of real, as opposed to the funny paintball guns. Mil-sim type of thing. I don't get to shoot enough people in the Army, so. :p

I see, I love to learn about new things, reminds me a bit of those toy guns we had as kids in the '60s that shot little plastic balls. Thanks for explaining.
I'm off on vacation and need some new \m/ to enjoy!

Venom & Tears by Throwdown


Beauty and the Breakdown by Bury Your Dead




The bass amp is what my Mum's getting me for Christmas, the ZZ top and Cypress Hill CD's are for a friend for Christmas, and the other two CD's are for me :)

They used to make Duff Beer in Australia too, though a law suit stopped production. The company that made XXXX and Tooheys branded beer made it. My step dad has a can, you can find it on ebay for $50 or so.

How do I buy this stuff though? My German is limited to counting from 1-9.
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