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Got the bag for a great deal too! Retails for $200, got it for $130! Thanks! I am actually thinking of downgrading and downsizing my camera gear again. I have a lot of superfluous m4/3 gear, and I am looking forward to having about ~$400 extra bucks in the bank.

Looking to go from this:

which was in this:

to this:

to go in that:

Call me a fashionista.

Sorry, but why didn't you think of this BEFORE the purchase? You've only had this thing for a few months, and the Olympus E-PL has been around for nearly the same amount of time. :confused:

I'm thinking of getting the Fuji X100 when it's released. I wish the lens was a 28 mm (on an APS-C 1.5 crop) rather than a 23 mm, but I think I can deal with it. Maybe. I'll definitely wait until Nikon releases theirs, which appears to be soon.
Sorry, but why didn't you think of this BEFORE the purchase? You've only had this thing for a few months, and the Olympus E-PL has been around for nearly the same amount of time. :confused:

I'm thinking of getting the Fuji X100 when it's released. I wish the lens was a 28 mm (on an APS-C 1.5 crop) rather than a 23 mm, but I think I can deal with it. Maybe. I'll definitely wait until Nikon releases theirs, which appears to be soon.

I did think. :rolleyes: At the time I wanted a GF1 because it was the best performing m4/3. I did lots of research and decided I wanted that one. But like I said, other features were becoming more important for me such as IBIS and art filters, and cost. And it the cam I have an eye on is actually an E-P1. I was scared that lack of in body flash was going to hinder me. Turns out I am a purist street/food shooter without the need.

So...moral of the story, don't got to validate my purchases, nor prove that I "think". Obvious that I already do.

Been waiting for nikon to release their m4/3 offering. Should be interesting, and I am hoping that they fall more in like with the quality of their DSLRs rather than their point and shoots.
I did think. :rolleyes:

.....So...moral of the story, don't got to validate my purchases, nor prove that I "think". Obvious that I already do.

I never said you "didn't think" before purchasing (i.e. did you do research?). I asked whether you thought about those specific issues you mentioned prior to purchasing this camera you made a few months ago? It's not like you're new to cameras, so I'm certain image-stablisation wasn't a new concept for you. I was just surprised.

And don't overreact. You didn't need to even validate your purchase. People change their minds with regards to their 'needs' all the time, and that's all you needed to say.
I suppose the boots are oxfords because of the way the toe looks, as are the shoes above.

That's not why anybody would call them nasty, though. If someone doesn't like those boots, it's probably due to the sole, or because they're brogue/wingtip shoes (which have those decorative holes). They may turn some people off. ;)
I never said you "didn't think" before purchasing (i.e. did you do research?). I asked whether you thought about those specific issues you mentioned prior to purchasing this camera you made a few months ago? It's not like you're new to cameras, so I'm certain image-stablisation wasn't a new concept for you. I was just surprised.

It sounded implied that I "didn't think" before purchasing my GF1.

With every purchase it is a weighing of pros and cons, and I thought about what I could deal with and what I could not. The m4/3 was relatively new to me (and a lot if people), the GF1 had the majority of what I desired. But as I shot more and more with the GF1, it became more and more clear to me what I needed and wanted. An evolution and understanding of needs and wants happens with practice with photography, which I am sure you know. "get out and shoot" is advice I give and take a lot.

And to just touch on it - thought I would just stick to my 20mm f/1.7 which was plenty fast to go without IS - hence the GF1. But of course had a bunch of other manual lenses that I have been looking forward to trying out.

And don't overreact. You didn't need to even validate your purchase. People change their minds with regards to their 'needs' all the time, and that's all you needed to say.

Not overreacting. But you know..thoughtlessness was implied, and a nice conversation ensued. No harm done!

All these items just make me want to spend money...

This thread is dangerous! Although, I feel strangely at home in this thread. :eek:
I meant as in cool, not gross

Those shoes are sick. (once again not as in gross...)

Ahaha. Sorry. I've never heard of "nasty" in that context before. "Sick" is a given, but "nasty" has never had pleasant connotations for me. :)

Also now I know the actual definitions of Oxford/Brogues. Thanks Abstract. :)

peapody, how much would your GF1 go for when you sell it?

Also, I did order a MacBook Air 11" recently, just don't really want to post a picture until it actually arrives. Everyone's seen the stock photos of course.
My supply was running low, got the double rich chocolate:

Optimum Whey

And because I've been wanting one for a while now:

Shaker Bottle

Good choice in protein! And I bought a couple of those shaker bottles a few months ago. They're the best I've found. …I used that exact protein and that shaker bottle a few hrs ago, lol.
Recently picked up a pair of Denon AH-D2000s (love them!) and a NuForce uDAC-2. Thinking about returning the NuForce DAC and picking up a Little Dot MK III.


Not my pictures.
I'd say absurd.

No they're not. :rolleyes: These are:



Oxfords have a converse type toe (as in the monochrome two tone) while the toe of a brogue looks a little like a trilobite (as in tartan picture). There are other factors that go into this and all sorts of hybrids in between. The best shoes are made here (you wont see a price list as every pair is done to order by hand), and shows examples of different types.

I've fancied a pair of two tone brogues (white and blue lizzard-skin, but not from there, lol) for a while now- pretty sweet


  • deluxegangstershoesuu4.jpg
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  • Underground Originals - brogue shoe black leather-red tartanOO-005L-210.jpg
    Underground Originals - brogue shoe black leather-red tartanOO-005L-210.jpg
    22.3 KB · Views: 67
New headphones. Pretty Good sound quality for $50.

Skullcandy 50/50's. Plus they have the Remote & Mic which is great and great build.


jealous. so very jealous.

anywho, bought a steinheil ultra crystal set for my iphone. i botched the one that came with my ultra thin. oh well.
Good choice in protein! And I bought a couple of those shaker bottles a few months ago. They're the best I've found. …I used that exact protein and that shaker bottle a few hrs ago, lol.

Actually, bad choice in protein for maximum effectiveness since it's full of fillers and artificial flavoring. A better choice would be a powder where the sole ingredient is pure whey protein isolate (not concentrate or any other crap). Isolate is generally considered the best because it is more pure and has a higher level of bioavailability, so try to go for that over anything else.

Plain whey isolate doens't taste awesome on its own, but this is what I do:

2 tablespoons pure (organic) cocoa powder
1 packet (organic) stevia
1/3 cup whey protein isolate

Shake it up and you're ready to go!
Actually, bad choice in protein for maximum effectiveness since it's full of fillers and artificial flavoring. A better choice would be a powder where the sole ingredient is pure whey protein isolate (not concentrate or any other crap). Isolate is generally considered the best because it is more pure and has a higher level of bioavailability, so try to go for that over anything else.

Plain whey isolate doens't taste awesome on its own, but this is what I do:

2 tablespoons pure (organic) cocoa powder
1 packet (organic) stevia
1/3 cup whey protein isolate

Shake it up and you're ready to go!

As far as I've read and experienced, the ON Whey Protein is a good value, has a good taste, isn't difficult for my body to break down and is effective so I'm happy with it so far. I don't have an issue with artificial flavoring, but what fillers are you referring to if you don't mind me asking?
Actually, bad choice in protein for maximum effectiveness since it's full of fillers and artificial flavoring. A better choice would be a powder where the sole ingredient is pure whey protein isolate (not concentrate or any other crap). Isolate is generally considered the best because it is more pure and has a higher level of bioavailability, so try to go for that over anything else.
Before bashing, you might want to actually look up the specified protein. It's full of isolates.

Although, I'm totally on board with keeping nutrition simple. I just think that ON makes a good product.

As far as I've read and experienced, the ON Whey Protein is a good value, has a good taste, isn't difficult for my body to break down and is effective so I'm happy with it so far. I don't have an issue with artificial flavoring, but what fillers are you referring to if you don't mind me asking?

There are some "Fillers" in Optimum's Whey, but that's not necessarily negative. They put in things like lactase and other digestive enzymes (very helpful if you're lactose intolerant), plus they include 4 grams of glutamine and glutamine precursors as well as 5 grams of BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, and valine).
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