Want to sell me one?
There all in use. Sorry boss. Comfy chairs, if you have the money to spend pick one up. Plus they are cool to look at.
Want to sell me one?
New dining table and bench. Solid walnut from hedgehouse on Etsy.
Lovely! First I was sceptical, since I assumed it would be an American site, then there came unexpected hope, as prices were intitially shown in ....then came the let down again: no shipping to my country. Walnut is my favorite wood for furniture. Reminds me a bit on Danish design classics like Hans Wegner for example.
I just received the same Herschel and Co Novel Duffle bag. I wonder how much I overpaid. The bag is great by the way. Already have it packed with clothes and ready to go for the weekend.
That's good to hear, I bought it for the exact same reason as you. I paid $66 for it.
These lamps
You can change the colour and even cycle the colours. Picked them up from TK Max (UK) for £5 each!
Here is a crappy picture taken on my iPhone:
A fake onepost pics!
Just closed and moved into a new house! Pics in a few.
movie is really good but the ending sucks...went to go see it last nite