I have came across a few of your posts in other threads and I have never came across someone as obsessed with coffee as you

. I have been thinking of starting to drink it myself by just using ground coffee in a cafetiere. A decent way to start?
I am truly around the bend about coffee. But I'm a total ignoramus and lightweight dilettante compared to some of the folks on on the coffee focused forums, which I avoid (usually) for fear of going further around the bend.
To be honest, I was unfamiliar with the word "cafetiere". Looking it up, I discovered it refers to what I know as a press, or french press. The only advice I can give you is two points...first, make sure the pre-ground coffee you buy for the press is specifically a press grind. Don't use a drip grind (too fine), or, obviously, an espresso grind (WAY, WAY too fine), you'll just get sludge. So look for a grind specifically for a cafetiere or french press...it's a very coarse grind.
Second, get the very best coffee you can afford. With espresso, you can have a $3,000 machine and a $1,000 grinder, but if you use crappy beans you'll get crappy coffee...GIGO!
Especially with a press (but, really, with any method), the coffee is the most important element.
One more suggestion...do a little reading about making coffee with a press. Don't get nuts, like me, but knowing a little about water temperature and brew time is important.(for example:
I'm told by those who use a press that you can make terrific coffee with a minimum of fussing...the diametric opposite of making espresso, which is one big fuss!!
Edit: We are way OT on this thread...shouldn't continue this discussion here