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macrumors 604
Original poster
Jul 6, 2009

Continuation of Post Your Last Purchase XXIII


Ordered some cables and a game.


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pay for some editorial assignments came in and I treated myself to this baby. my 50D approves.

not bad- too bad canon discontinued that lineup. I have a 50d as well coupled with a 100-400 :D

that's some serious glass there, mate. ;) this is my first L glass so it's really special in its own right. IQ is superb and the lack of IS does not hamper me for my work so it's a sweet deal all round.
special deal somewhere? Been looking for l'homme decently priced- just picked up la nuit recently.

Where did you find this and how much, if you don't mind me asking? My L'homme is running on empty and need to get some more soon.

It was 88 at macy's for about 4.5 ounces total. The 3.5 usually runs about 77. I figured two bottles and an extra ounce or so for 10 more dollars made sense, plus I had a gift card from some online surveys. Expensive stuff but it's all I wear now.
Bought this Stanley 1.1 Quart Thermos on sale at K-Mart yesterday for $24.99. I poured boiling water in it yesterday at noon. This morning when I checked it, the water was still steaming hot. Very impressive so far :)

On my credit card, but it's my Christmas gift from my parents: 32GB CDMA in white. Should be a nice upgrade from my 4.


Already got a case for it, PixelSkin HD, which I ordered last week along with...


...a shirt from Amazon by Tavik...


...and I got some some actual pure white LEDs for my car from V-LEDs, instead of hoping the eBay ones would be pure white instead of cool white (only white light without any blue hue)
27in imac being delivered this friday morning:D


Also purchased 32gb of ram for my new iMac from OWC

and I think i am going to finally pull the trigger on a herman miller embody

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