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My old set up, I'm waiting for the arrival of a MBP and a 27 iMac
Here is my old setup ...


-- Synology DS207+ (2TB) | 24" LED ACD | 15" MBP 2.53GHz 4GB Ram 9600M GT 512 Video | Airport Extreme Gigabit --

and my new current setup ...


-- Synology DS207+ (2TB) | 27" iMac i7 8GB Ram 1TB HD | Airport Extreme Gigabit dual-band | Bose Companion 2 | 15" MBP 2.53GHz 4GB Ram 9600M GT 512 Video

Which desk do you have?
Hey I have been following this thread for quite some time now (part 10 and 11) and i havent seen a single setup with a 30" ACD on it. I mean did those monsters get extinct like the dinosaurs. Please whoever has one post your setups or somebody reference me to previous threads. Imac's 27 is nice but the 30 is a different animal. Cheers

Here's my 3 x 30 set-up in Boston.


And my 1 x 30 set-up in California:

I live on both coasts. Will update the "office page" at some point.
what i have here.
MB with key missing :(
Iphone 3g
Ikea desks
PS3 60g
ghetto Aiwa speakers that i inherited off my dad like 10 years ago :p
Panasonic viera lcd
Reloop digital jockey midi controller
Sennheiser headphones
logitech VX mouse
Mac alluminium mouse
and a crap load of ugly cablez
feedback would be appreciated if u think i cud improve :)


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The round thing looks like a SpaceNavigator mouse which is used with CAD, Maya, and other 3D modeling programs. It allows for ease of environmental navigation that a standard mouse cannot.

And @b1akdragun, lovely setup. I especially like how you used the riser off to the side as opposed to dead center like most people do. Really really looks great.

Thanks! and you are correct about the spacenavigator it's and awesome device.


None of that is from Ikea. It shows, doesn't it. Mind you, having a poor quality desk did mean that I could happily dremel large holes out of the back of it to provide access to my kludged-cable-management-shelf-attachment-thing (TM)...

It gets changed when I next move. Hurrah.
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