If only the AutoArt sticker were replaced with a Brembo one
TB Display. MBP 15" late 2011 high res crucial m4 256 16GB RAM. iPad 3 (not pictured). iPhone 4S.
Taken with iPad 3.
That's truly a beautiful room.TB Display. MBP 15" late 2011 high res crucial m4 256 16GB RAM. iPad 3 (not pictured). iPhone 4S.
Taken with iPad 3.
Awesome clock. Thanks for linking it.
TB Display. MBP 15" late 2011 high res crucial m4 256 16GB RAM. iPad 3 (not pictured). iPhone 4S.
Taken with iPad 3.
TB Display. MBP 15" late 2011 high res crucial m4 256 16GB RAM. iPad 3 (not pictured). iPhone 4S.
Taken with iPad 3.
Hey all
this is my step up a 2010 iMac and 2012 Macbook retina on the desk there is a iPhone 4, i also got a iPad 3 but forgot to take a picture of it.
grats on the 2012 retina. I came so close to buying it. I had cash in hand well gift certificates in hand to get it. decided on a 2012 air. im going to wait for the retina thunderbolt monitor. if it ever happens![]()
I love the setup, the chair & desk, the bedroom colors, all those windows and balcony!! I'm super jealous.
Thank you! I'm located in the heart of Amsterdam (Jordaan area) so I'm real happy with my place.
I also have an iMac in the kitchen.![]()
Thank you! I'm located in the heart of Amsterdam (Jordaan area) so I'm real happy with my place.
I also have an iMac in the kitchen.![]()
Not much has changed, plan on adding an iPad 3 soonish![]()
Mr. Eleven,
Can you perchance link me to a suitable shopkeep who has one of those dapper microphones for sale?
Thank you
Good sir,
But of course I can!
Or if you would like to get your hands on it sooner and save a few quid, head down to your local Argos where the very same microphone can be purchased!
I do hope this has helped you on your quest.
TB Display. MBP 15" late 2011 high res crucial m4 256 16GB RAM. iPad 3 (not pictured). iPhone 4S.
Taken with iPad 3.
Thank you! I'm located in the heart of Amsterdam (Jordaan area) so I'm real happy with my place.
I also have an iMac in the kitchen.![]()
My Setup for the summer.