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wanted to post my setup at my other house once more.

i believe i have the messiest setup, greenest walls (ITASOR ur a close second ;) ) and most ghetto camera here on macrumors, correct me if i'm wrong :p

biohazard6969 said:
wanted to post my setup at my other house once more.

i believe i have the messiest setup, greenest walls (ITASOR ur a close second ;) ) and most ghetto camera here on macrumors, correct me if i'm wrong :p

I love your setup, even though it is messy & I'm a clean freak.
That is pretty much what my setup would've been if I got my PowerBook when planned, but we waited too long so I just got a MacBook Pro. I have an iMac slot-loading too, but it is a sage one...
My camera is ghetto too, it's this very old HP ugly thing...I hate it.
Where did you get that desk??

Why do you have socks & toilet paper on your desk? haha.
markkk! said:
I love your setup, even though it is messy & I'm a clean freak.
That is pretty much what my setup would've been if I got my PowerBook when planned, but we waited too long so I just got a MacBook Pro. I have an iMac slot-loading too, but it is a sage one...
My camera is ghetto too, it's this very old HP ugly thing...I hate it.
Where did you get that desk??

Why do you have socks & toilet paper on your desk? haha.
wow i cna't honestly say i expected to get a compliment on this setup lol :p i like it, its i great setup and it works for me considering i'm only here 2 days a week. the only thing i would like to do is put a keyboard tray under the desk so i won't have to close the PB everytime i wanna type on the flower power. i got the desk from a place called neoset ( ). the toilet paper is because i dont' have a kleenex box. and the socks.......well i really don't know :eek:
biohazard6969 said:
....10 minutes later, actually this is how it normally looks, the imac clock fell behind the desk, and a lot of the mess was hidden under the desk

i <3 my mess!

You should clean would look so much better! Right now I'm changing the arrangement of my setup....I'll show before & after pictures. haha. Most of your mess is just trash & cords...would it really be that hard? haha.
woah....Woah. WOAH!!!! it has NEVER been this clean. it took me 11 lysol wipes to wipe up all the dust. all the junk went into a drawer just off to the right of the desk :p thanks for makin me do this it looks so much better

EDIT: wow it only took me 20 Minutes to do it too...but i still couldn't get the marker to come off so it still says "Booooo....." in the left corner lol
Wow, that is amazingly a lot cleaner.

I'd post my setup, but I think it would give iGary an aneurism.

Due to the fact that the desk my dorm has does not have any holes for putting cables through, that's right. ALL of my computer cables are on my desk.

EDIT - I like that among the "junk" you put in that drawer, your cell phone has gone missing?

Where is it?
Sharewaredemon said:
Wow, that is amazingly a lot cleaner.

I'd post my setup, but I think it would give iGary an aneurism.

Due to the fact that the desk my dorm has does not have any holes for putting cables through, that's right. ALL of my computer cables are on my desk.

Sharewaredemon said:
Wow, that is amazingly a lot cleaner.

I'd post my setup, but I think it would give iGary an aneurism.

Due to the fact that the desk my dorm has does not have any holes for putting cables through, that's right. ALL of my computer cables are on my desk.

EDIT - I like that among the "junk" you put in that drawer, your cell phone has gone missing?

Where is it?

thanks :) haha good point, i just forgot to put it in the pic, here it is, off to the side on my couch, you can also see the drawer where i put everything
biohazard6969 said:
wanted to post my setup at my other house once more.

i believe i have the messiest setup, greenest walls (ITASOR ur a close second ;) ) and most ghetto camera here on macrumors, correct me if i'm wrong :p

Green walls own. :D
I posted my pics in the other "18 year old or younger" thread so I might as well post them here too. Some of you might've already since them since I posted these already, but that was a while ago.



I'm with you guys on hating college dorm setups. I have cords everywhere, yet there's nothing I can really do about them. Not to mention the most annoying cord of all.. the ethernet cable. That alone kills the coolness of having an awesome notebook. Oh well.
calebjohnston said:
I'm with you guys on hating college dorm setups. I have cords everywhere, yet there's nothing I can really do about them. Not to mention the most annoying cord of all.. the ethernet cable. That alone kills the coolness of having an awesome notebook. Oh well.

this is why i want a airport express for next year..that way my desk wil be clear of the ethnertnet, printer, as well as speaker cords!

Only thing plugged in for me will be power and mouse. I just can't get rid of my mx1000! :eek:
Afro1989 said:
I posted my pics in the other "18 year old or younger" thread so I might as well post them here too. Some of you might've already since them since I posted these already, but that was a while ago.

<snip> <snip> <snippety snip>
I saw this when you posted it last time, just wanted to say I absolutely adore your setup.

I have 360 envy (I don't get mine till the 24th of April)
your monitor is one of the nicest I've seen and I'm in love with your desk!

If only I could use glass desks! (psycho puppies = no glass)







(sorry about the sideways picture, I flipped it in Preview but it didn't load flipped in flickr. :confused: ) I got rid of my iMac on the shelves...thats the biggest change...I moves the commodore moniter & nintendo's down one shelf & moved some stuff from my dresser and (main) desk to the top shelf including the lamp. I kept my cellular modular interactive device (haha) on the (main) desk & put the controller on there too so I can play SNES games on my MacBook Pro (which by the way is flippin SWEET). I like my new setup so much better...I don't see as many cords that way.


(EDIT x2: I REPLACED THE iPod POSTER WITH THE education discount poster)

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