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SeVeN said:
my girlfriends new setup. i just bought this whole setup today on CraigsList. $200 :cool:


OMG that is an AMAZING setup for 200$
Some people think playing the Chili Peppers music is torture (refers to a current event) I think constantly checking up on this thread is torture. Looking at all these nice machines that are way out of my league. :(
KingYaba said:
Some people think playing the Chili Peppers music is torture (refers to a current event) I think constantly checking up on this thread is torture. Looking at all these nice machines that are way out of my league. :(
heh.. yeah, i know it! i mean, i'm pretty happy with my set-up (not the most amazing, but it suits my needs perfectly).. but hot damn.. when someone posts a maxed out mac pro and a 30" display sitting next to their MBP for the go and blah blah blah... :(

just got a new camera phone today so I can finally post pictures :D. (bear with the atrocious quality though)
17" iMac Core Duo 1.83GHz, 512MB, 160GB, Superdrive

17" flatpanel, AMD Athlon XP 2400+, 512MB, 40GB main, 120GB storage, DVD RW (slow as can be)

14" iBook G4 1.33GHz, 768MB, 60GB, Superdrive and 17" CRT, 3.33GHz Pentium D, 1GB, 80GB main, 200GB storage, DL DVD RW, DVD Rom, PSP, DS, External Hard drive, wireless mouse, laptop cooling pad.

Closeup of iBook G4
rmhop81 said:
haha except for the dell speakers in the background

Well spotted! :p The thing is, they are actualy pretty good speakers when you set the equalizer rigth.:eek: But i'm on the hunt for better speakers.. hope i can find some.

.mp3 said:
darh: Could you please post some pictures of your whole setup :D

Did you already saw post #6052? If you want more (something specific maybe?) just tell me:)

And thanx for the positive reactions guys/gals!
darh said:
Well spotted! :p The thing is, they are actualy pretty good speakers when you set the equalizer rigth.:eek: But i'm on the hunt for better speakers.. hope i can find some.

Did you already saw post #6052? If you want more (something specific maybe?) just tell me:)

And thanx for the positive reactions guys/gals!
More of the table = ), just zoom out or take some steps back.
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