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Here's my Mac setup. I'm 17 so I guess I'll post it in both threads. Just got a fresh coat of white paint. Everything in my room is black & white now. :D I'm not spoiled. I work for this stuff. (^_^)

- Mac Mini, 19" LG monitor (about to be upgraded), Dolby 5.1 Receiver -


- Wall-mounted Samsung HDTV & In-wall speakers -


- My Mini -


- Surround Sound -


- Bass -


- 360 -

For goodness sake, why can't people understand that because of the worse (or shoddy) backlight and internal technology, the dell display are not as good, or accurate as the Apple Cinema display.

People just don't seem to get it. They also look horrible, but that is an opinion, the quality is not.

What don't YOU get about it? You do know that the 2007WFP and the ACD 20" use the exact same panel (so do the 30" models) -- the picture looks identical. I know. I've seen them in use side by side. That makes your "accurate" argument sound pretty dumb. And as long as you don't get one of the early-revision 2007WFPs with the color banding problem (which I personally have never seen, but for which Dell will provide you a replacement), the Dell is definitely a better value. If you want to buy an ACD, that's cool, it's a nice looking monitor and it's your money. But stop being an elitist snob and knocking those of us who want more value and not just more looks.

I personally think Dell's monitors look really good anyway, especially the latest models. I don't know why some people think they're so horrible looking. Not Apple design, sure, but I think they're pretty slick.
Afro1989 more pics please?

Anyway you could so a few more shots of your setup.....I really dig that wall mounted Samsung!!! Is it 26 in? I have the 32in of the same model but in Black with a blue bar. WHere did you find with the silver below? All the ones I've seen in white have a ridiculous brown bar around the bottom of them.
What don't YOU get about it? You do know that the 2007WFP and the ACD 20" use the exact same panel (so do the 30" models) -- the picture looks identical. I know. I've seen them in use side by side. That makes your "accurate" argument sound pretty dumb. And as long as you don't get one of the early-revision 2007WFPs with the color banding problem (which I personally have never seen, but for which Dell will provide you a replacement), the Dell is definitely a better value. If you want to buy an ACD, that's cool, it's a nice looking monitor and it's your money. But stop being an elitist snob and knocking those of us who want more value and not just more looks.

I personally think Dell's monitors look really good anyway, especially the latest models. I don't know why some people think they're so horrible looking. Not Apple design, sure, but I think they're pretty slick.
finally someone with some sense!
finally someone with some sense!

I agree. I have the 2005FPW and it is great, I like it more that the 2007 version. I just hate it when people think because I have a mac I must be able to afford a ACD. I buy what I think is best value for money. I think a MBP is best value for money, I think the Dell is best value for money.
I buy what I think is best value for money. I think a MBP is best value for money, I think the Dell is best value for money.

completely agree. I pay the premium for Apple computers because they run better, and OSX is about a million times nicer and more stable than the alternative. Macs are the best value, IMO. But I'm not going to blindly pay Apple the premium on their displays just because they match my computer the best. I'm sorry Apple and their faithfuls, but the ACD is not worth the extra premium. Perhaps if it was a matter of $100 or so, then paying the extra for the casing/looks is reasonable.. But it would have been $430 more for me to get the 23" ACD which has lower specs, less connectivity, and a shorter warranty. No thanks.
Not a fanboy, but I'm reasonably sure I read in one of the Apple vs. Dell monitor threads that for the 20 and 30 inch monitors they do indeed use the same panel, however in the case of the 30 inch, Dell will use the panels that other companies reject.

Comparing Apple and Dell monitors is like comparing Honda's and Acura's.
What don't YOU get about it? You do know that the 2007WFP and the ACD 20" use the exact same panel (so do the 30" models) -- the picture looks identical. I know. I've seen them in use side by side. That makes your "accurate" argument sound pretty dumb. And as long as you don't get one of the early-revision 2007WFPs with the color banding problem (which I personally have never seen, but for which Dell will provide you a replacement), the Dell is definitely a better value. If you want to buy an ACD, that's cool, it's a nice looking monitor and it's your money. But stop being an elitist snob and knocking those of us who want more value and not just more looks.

I personally think Dell's monitors look really good anyway, especially the latest models. I don't know why some people think they're so horrible looking. Not Apple design, sure, but I think they're pretty slick.
Thank god you stopped the whole Dell/Apple debacle. That what half of these recent posts are about!

I agree, the Dell monitors do look quite slick, better than some others. Their towers are also looking better than the standard black they used to always have.

R.Youden said:
I agree. I have the 2005FPW and it is great, I like it more that the 2007 version. I just hate it when people think because I have a mac I must be able to afford a ACD. I buy what I think is best value for money. I think a MBP is best value for money, I think the Dell is best value for money.
I think people associate Apple with rich people. I bought my NEC monitor because it was the best at the current time, and it does not match my iBook, or anything else really, whatsoever.
IKEA galant desk combination right in birch veneer / t legs.. was around $280.

Why is the desk so close to your bed and is your room small or something? I'm asking cause I have a cheap desk I got from Wal-Mart and I want something alot nicer but my room is small.
You do know that the 2007WFP and the ACD 20" use the exact same panel (so do the 30" models)

Yes, I do know this. I have used Dell's display offerings extensively in a professional environment.

That makes your "accurate" argument sound pretty dumb.

My argument is not dumb. What is dumb is that you don't recognise that it isn't just about the panel, It has a different coating, a different backlight and different internal technology.

I am a professional, I have dealt with monitors for many years as a profession, yet a few users on a forum call me dumb because a monitor that appears the same is cheaper.

But stop being an elitist snob and knocking those of us who want more value and not just more looks.

**** you. Who are you to call me an elitist snob? As I've explained, I am a pro user that has vast experience with Dell, Apple, Eizo and various other displays and I take exception to posters that are obviously talking crap saying that the Dell is much better than the ACD. It Isn't, I am not saying it is vastly worse either, but it is better and that is what justifies the price.

I personally think Dell's monitors look really good anyway, especially the latest models. I don't know why some people think they're so horrible looking. Not Apple design, sure, but I think they're pretty slick.

Personally, I don't give a crap about that. Design matters for about a minute when you are in a business environment with 20 of these displays.

I never said that the Dell display was not a good price for what you get, but you don't get a monitor hat is as good or better than the Apple. Argue all you want, 'talk sense' all you want, it doesn't make you right.

This is a little clipping from MacWorld magazine.

I think you aren't realising the problem here. The reason he is having a go at the Apple monitor is because Daneoni told the guy he should "spring" for an ACD merely because it looks prettier, and also the fact it has cables coming out of it (oh noes! something electrical has cables!).

Of course he's gonna take a pop at the ACD when some blithering idiot thinks money is no object and its worth $400 for the silver border round the screen.

To you the display is worth it because it is better quality when you are working in a pro environment. To the guy who posted his setup, does it look like he needs it?
I think you aren't realising the problem here. The reason he is having a go at the Apple monitor is because Daneoni told the guy he should "spring" for an ACD merely because it looks prettier, and also the fact it has cables coming out of it (oh noes! something electrical has cables!).

If you read back, the problem I have is people saying that the Dell display is much better, which to anyone that knows anything (other than the ability to read specs and hearsay on forums) about monitors is incorrect.

Of course he's gonna take a pop at the ACD when some blithering idiot thinks money is no object and its worth $400 for the silver border round the screen.

1) who are you to say it isn't worth it? We pay thousands for clothes, furniture, televisions, cars et al, and people seem it is idiotic to pay extra for something that looks nice and is also a better display.

2) It isn't just the silver border (and that is underselling the encased aluminum housing, when you consider the squeaky black plastic crap that the Dell is made out of) it is a higher class of display.

3) I don't think you should presume that somebody is an idiot because they choose to purchase something which they prefer, just because it costs more. All the subtle differences make quite a difference.

To you the display is worth it because it is better quality when you are working in a pro environment. To the guy who posted his setup, does it look like he needs it?

I don't need a porsche, but I would buy one. I don't need to buy organic food, but I do. I don't need a Mac, but I own one. I don't need to....... You get the idea.

If he wants to pay extra for better design, better quality materials and better backlighting/internal technologies, then who are we to say different.

People might think that because I am backing Apple monitors that I think the Dells are rubbish (or at least that is what I am trying to promote) I do not. They are good monitors at a good price. This argument is reminiscent of PC users saying that windows is better and they cost less.
I've been lurking the board for a good while and finally signed up. Figured this would be a good first post. :)

24" iMac -- 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
PowerBook -- 550 MHz G4


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ahhhhh! Stop the war of Dell vs. ACD...!!

To each their own. It will depend on the user's needs and income as to whether the ACD is worth it. For me, the ACD is a rip off, and not at all worth its price tag compared to what else it out there. I'm a college kid on a college kid's budget, and not doing anything that would even come CLOSE to challenging the differences between the Dell display and Apple's.

But others might (will!) disagree, others might have needs that the ACD can only satisfy, others might follow Apple blindly, and others might just have so much money that they couldn't care less. Does it matter? No. You earn your money, I earn mine, and we all can choose what to do with it.

As long as everyone is happy with their own setup, that should be enough.
Here's my Mac setup. I'm 17 so I guess I'll post it in both threads. Just got a fresh coat of white paint. Everything in my room is black & white now. :D I'm not spoiled. I work for this stuff. (^_^)

- Wall-mounted Samsung HDTV & In-wall speakers -


my dream TV, what size 26in?
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