I think the mouse looks pretty spiffy. Good job, and good luck assembling your future setup.
Yeah, It'll all come together som time near X-mas I hope
I think the mouse looks pretty spiffy. Good job, and good luck assembling your future setup.
24" I believe.
Can the Dell vs. Apple monitor posts get split into their own thread? Its kind of annoying having to go through dozens of posts which don't have anything to do with the topic to find the lovely pictures and comments.
Its a valid discussion and I for one would be interested in the outcome, but please take it elsewhere for the sake of this thread. We wouldn't want it locked after all..
Can the Dell vs. Apple monitor posts get split into their own thread? Its kind of annoying having to go through dozens of posts which don't have anything to do with the topic to find the lovely pictures and comments.
Its a valid discussion and I for one would be interested in the outcome, but please take it elsewhere for the sake of this thread. We wouldn't want it locked after all..
ahhhhh! Stop the war of Dell vs. ACD...!!
To each their own. It will depend on the user's needs and income as to whether the ACD is worth it. For me, the ACD is a rip off, and not at all worth its price tag compared to what else it out there. I'm a college kid on a college kid's budget, and not doing anything that would even come CLOSE to challenging the differences between the Dell display and Apple's.
But others might (will!) disagree, others might have needs that the ACD can only satisfy, others might follow Apple blindly, and others might just have so much money that they couldn't care less. Does it matter? No. You earn your money, I earn mine, and we all can choose what to do with it.
As long as everyone is happy with their own setup, that should be enough.
Hi benthewraith. I think you misread my post. I'm not implying that setups should be categorized by their monitor's brand.
What I am trying to say is that the posts pertaining to the argument over Dell and Apple monitors should be taken elsewhere because the argument isn't related to the topic. Like I said, its valid, but in the wrong place.
All setups = here
Argument = not here
I'll consider editing my post for clarification, my applogies for your confusion. Also, I don't mind you dropping me a PM if I haven't made myself clear enough.
No problem at all..thanks for reassuring me in my grasp of the English language.I just read that wrong. And yeah, you made yourself clear enough.
Samsung LN-S2352W. The console is Xbox 360 and the game is Gears of War.And what is the brand, model name etc?
EDIT - game, console, too.
Here's my "Better" setup!
where did you get that matrix figurine?
I picked up a nano dock at Target for $4.95....don't know the reason for the drastic sale, but Target may be not be carrying them anymore and thus dumping inventory...check it out....its the only reason I have a dock
Clydefrog said:where did you get that matrix figurine?
how can I rotate it ?