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I just moved to a new apartment recently.


Previous Macs:
Apple //c+ - still have
Mac Classic
Various LCs
Bondi Blue iMac
G3DT 300mhz
eMate - still have
Strawberry iMac
Wallstreet G3/ 300 mhz Powerbook
900 MHz G3 iBook

1.83 GHz MacBook - current

Desk is too sloppy for pics. :eek:
just a reminder:

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[B]Quoted Images: [/B]Every once and a while is understandable, but one glance down one of these pages and we'll find about 4 quoted images... most of them LARGE (because TIMG tags were not used ;)) Please, take the images out of your quotes!

Macrumors is a [I]great[/I] place, lets keep the forums neat, and friendly for our users with slower internet connect speeds.

Although it's a little cluttered, still "wow."
Great collection.

Is it just me, or do I see TWO MacBook Pros and TWO Powerbooks.
Thanks for the comment. It's difficult to tidy up the wires as there are simply so many. I have not yet even set up my 5 external HDs.
I am planning to get another Mac when Apple launches the next OS Leopard. Possibly this time Mac Pro for more horsepower. Or, I might get another MBP along with MP. I am a sucker for Apple's design and engineering masterpiece.

I cannot get rid of my 2 PBs. They are classic. I use my 12" PB at work along with the company-issued Dell notebook (which is too heavy to carry it with me every day).
id like to nominate myself for messiest desk...


This was taken after finnishing some print and movie projects for school, a few weeks ago. It's messier right now, but i'm on holiday, so I can't take a more recent picture. I'll post a fully illustrated story of my setup history soon, when my MBP arrives :D

short: I think you lose.

PS: that clutter alert post really made me laugh out loud. Not because it was funny though.

This was taken after finnishing some print and movie projects for school, a few weeks ago. It's messier right now, but i'm on holiday, so I can't take a more recent picture. I'll post a fully illustrated story of my setup history soon, when my MBP arrives :D

short: I think you lose.

PS: that clutter alert post really made me laugh out loud. Not because it was funny though.

my desk has been messy for the last 10 years or so lol. its the time that its messy, not how messy it is :p thats my philoshophy.

short: i know i lose, it was just an incentive to see how bas other people can get

hahahahahaha messy nerd, gotta love it. being clean is that hard.ggr
My Work Mac Believe It or Not...

Hello All,

I am working part-time at an Apartment Complex to help supplement my income.

Of course with all the money going out to fix our apartments, our Office Computer is the last thing to be upgraded.:(

Here is my current configuration Believe It or Not:

Processor info: PowerPC G3
Machine Speed: 350 Mhz
Hard Drive: 6.33 GB Capacity, 5 GB Available
Operating System: Mac OS 9.2
Video Memory: 8 MB
Disk Cache: 4096K
Virtual Memory: 193 MB
Built-in Memory: 128 MB PC100-322S
Keyboard: Apple USB Keyboard

You have to love how this Mac continues to survive...

It's absolutely amazing to me how a computer this old has survived the 'test of time'.

When I think of all the PCs I went through while this machine keeps ticking makes me a Mac Follower Forever...

Let me know what you think...
Every planning on upgrading there basherhp?

Get a new Mac Pro and see how it stands the 'test of time' ;) :p

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