Here's my first ever Mac setup, wich I'm quite proud of! I just can't wait to have editing projects to do on it

what kind of mouse pad is that?
Looks a LOT better. But you should maybe move that lightsource (whatever it is) behind the iMac a little lower. Other than that, nice setup!Added some better lighting...
Looks a LOT better. But you should maybe move that lightsource (whatever it is) behind the iMac a little lower. Other than that, nice setup!
very nice, i like it.
are those speaker stands holding you external hardrives. and are those elastic bands holding something on your hardrives too?
Which Gateway monitor is that? The original 21"?
Added some better lighting...
Very nice! One of the best setups I've seen, for sure! That'll make anyone that sees it want an iMac!
Looking good. Organize the wires if you have the time, then add some lighting, voila! you have a kick-ass setup.
Added some better lighting...
Hi, nice setup. I love that desk lamp. Where'd you get it?
Hi, nice setup. I love that desk lamp. Where'd you get it?
nice and clean, like the wallpaper
Past! (A week ago):
Yeah, I know, I need to do some cable management. Time to buy some tie-wraps I guess.