Better Touch Tool, Drop Box, Tiny Grab (great for screenshots), Gmail Notifier x2, Caffine, Ejector (for .dmgs), iStat (Temp, CPU, Network Activity, Mem usage), Time Machine, Bluetooth, Airport, Speaker, Battery, Time & Date via iStat
your menu bar is just like mine with a whole bunch of stuff i'm weird cause im one of those minimal desktop guys but i like alot of stuff on my menu bar
Here's mine (before I go adding new apps after viewing this thread)
Adium scrobbler
Path Finder
Keyboard Maestro
a bunch of iStatMenu items (temp, network, memory, hd, cpu)
Time Machine
It could use some trimming, but I haven't come close to running out of space yet.
From left to right - Anxiety, Adium, ShoveBox, InsomniaX, Intego Virusbarrier X5, Keychain (to lock my screen), Airport, Bluetooth, Volume, Battery, iStatMenu Date&Time, and... oh what's it called... Spatlight? Spottorch?