Thanks! I worked as a barista for about 6 months until the place shut down as well, was easily the most fun job i've had.Looks great!
This reminds me of when I was a barista for my parents coffee shop (sadly it shut down after about a year and a half). They put me through this coffee class, and I thought it was the coolest job. I worked for starbucks after wards, and it was nowhere near as fun.
At my parents shop, we would have these latte art contests for all the employees. This one girl Kim always won, but she would always be practicing and wasting milk and espresso more than anything. I got alot of pictures of my latte art, but I lost them. I got pretty good at making some cool, interesting designs.
All I drink is black coffee with a touch of sugar.
Now I just need to get my shots a little more consistent, I tore down my 2nd hand Gaggia Classic the other day and took apart the boiler which looked a little worse for wear. After descaling that things are running better but I need to replace the group gasket and clear out some obstructive build up in it.
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