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Hey if anyone (who is like me) wants to have little apples up in the corner instead of the word iPod or their name (from make it mine) you can put these two files into /System/Library/CoreServices/ through SFTP, but make sure you make backups of the originals first!!


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will you post your modified icons (the ones you added borders to) ?

Yeah please? Is there an easy way to use custom themes without going in and modifying the individual files?

They are included in the theme. For example, the one without borders is Mail.png and the one with borders is Mail1.png, and so on. There are a shitheap of alternate icons included....
Heres my springboard

Heres my theme i made from a bunch of different themes. if any one likes it i can give you a link to download it ( but first some one will have to tell me how).


New arrangement, some modified icons and a new wallpaper. Much better than the old one a few pages back ;).


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    iPod touch Screenshot 2.png
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could someone please post all of the application icons from the iphone that are not on the ipod touch please, such as the ipod icon, cheers
If its jailbroken and has openSSH installed then follow this guide. Once your in, choose '/' from the dropdown menu above where the files are listed and once there you will see a folder called Applications. Open that and you can see all of the applications you have installed. Choose the app that you would like to change the icon for and open its folder and in that folder should be a file called 'icon.png'. To change the icon all you do is replace that file with your own graphic; make sure its called 'icon.png', lowercase.
For the actual icon image, make sure its 60x60 pixels and a PNG file.
Hope thats clear enough ;)
thanks slip, do you happen to have any guides as to how i can go about creating themes, cheers, Liam ***for windows pls
Here's mine, as of now.


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oops, pics didnt work, here are some more pics of my new homebrewed theme
tell me if you want it:D


My theme redone with a button style dock

None of the icons are mine, but the dock is. I will be glad to share it and the icons that go with it if asked

that dock is so cool!!! ive always wanted one like that, how did yu make it???? and yes i would like it but youd have to tell me how to put it on, lol
Ok, so I am going to assume you have SMB and Customize

Extract the .zip file to your desktop (or wherever) then SFTP into your iPod Touch

Put the whole folder into /private/var/root/Library/SummerBoard/Themes

To just add the dock, grab the dock file and the icons for music, videos, safari, mail, and settings and put them into a theme of yours

Then, using Customize, set it to a five icon dock, then arrange the dock in any way you want with those five apps, as long as safari is in the middle

To get it to look it's best, add the source and install dock icon reflection removal under the tweaks catagory


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k, thx so much, im about to try it right now on a new theme im making, ill post the pics in a min, thx in advance.:D
Is there a theme for the ipod touch to make it look like the iphone.what I really want is the dock, the sms icon to replace appolo, and the ipod icon to replace the music button. I would actually just want each individual icon, so that I can place them in their places manually (after making backups of course).

I think I would need instructions on how to replace the dock icon though.

EDIT: I found some good icons, now I just need the dock icon and instructions on how to use it. and I am having trouble installing the icon for the music player.

(I'm on an iPod Touch, not an iPhone if you couldn't tell)
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