I've had credit cards since the 70's and never had a problem. I'm very careful with my cards and never let them leave my sight. That said, I always pay cash when I go out to eat. I don't trust waiters..
That is no guarantee. Several years ago we were visiting NYC - where I used cash for everything - except (long story why) for 1 day where I used a rarely used credit card at the McDonalds in Macy's, and the US Post Office. In both cases the transaction was done right in front of me. Next month I had a couple of fraudulent charges - both from stores in NYC - on my Mastercard. No problem clearing them. I called the fraud department and they looked up the file - the fraudulent cards had merely skimmed the CC# --- the name used by the funny cards was not mine so the charges were immediately reversed.
I have one debit card (chipped) from my credit union, and an Mastercard with AirMiles from the BMO. I pay for 90% of my purchases with these two. Local small merchants get the debit card (saves them the cost of the CC transaction fees) and larger purchases get the credit card so I get the AirMiles.
I have an HBC (The Bay) MC as well which is a backup, and used at The Bay for their points. Oh, and a Sears MC. Same idea as the Bay MC. And a Visa that is used just for business purchases... makes the accounting easier if I have all expenses on one CC.
All cards are chipped. Wouldn't have it any other way.