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Yesssss! More Ti owners come out from the shadows!

I love my Ti so much, I often think about getting a new hi capacity battery, 80 gb 5400 rpm HDD, and another stick of 512 to max her out at 1 gb of ram. but then I realize that then I'd probably be at the cost of a new intel iBook when it comes out!:(

I love it so much, I don't ever want to get rid of it, as poky as it gets sometimes!
AHH! I envy everyone with a 12" I have been saving up for one for quite a while and will hopefully be buy buying one soon :)D ) I used to have a TiBook but my sister broke the screen and I had to sell it for 450 which was half of the 900 (Yes I know I probably got ripped off and I should have boughten a used 12") But oh well.
Jschultz said:
Yesssss! More Ti owners come out from the shadows!

I love my Ti so much, I often think about getting a new hi capacity battery, 80 gb 5400 rpm HDD, and another stick of 512 to max her out at 1 gb of ram. but then I realize that then I'd probably be at the cost of a new intel iBook when it comes out!:(

I love it so much, I don't ever want to get rid of it, as poky as it gets sometimes!
When I get the time and feel up to it, I'll upgrade the HD on mine, and get some more RAM.

But, it's fine as is for my needs right now. :)
Plymouthbreezer said:
Here's my TiBook:[/IMG


Yes, I know the mouse clashes with the rest of the setup... It's from my G4 iMac and I saw no need to get a new one when that one worked and was not being used (replaced with tablet).[/QUOTE]

A Ti, awesome!
I like the dolphins.
One I love the other will save my life. BTW G4 PB and iSight 4 Sale.


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jdiddy said:
Wow love it!

Yep. That is really pretty. I'm glad to see this thread is back in action... I think I'll get cracking tomorrow and post some new shots of my baby. I bet she's a bit annoyed about me looking at the new MBP's online.
thecheda said:
i want that mouse!
No you don't!
brikeh said:
What mouse is it?
Its the Microsoft Optical Mouse By Starck (S+arck). It jumps around the place something terrible. I had one for ages and was never completely happy. Use an Apple Wireless one now.
chriswan said:
Here's my powerbook set up with Powerbook G4 and Macbook Pro and IBM thinkpad X40




Me likee. Even the IBM. I was looking at one of those back when I was looking at Linux. Back in the day. Sniff. :)

I'm surprised how different the G4 and the MBP look when you place them next to each other. I should bring my PB down to the apple store and put them right next to eachother.... just to see the differences.
This thread made my finally do what needed to be done for a long time, clean and rearange my desk. This is finally what it looks like and hopefully I can keep it clean and clutter free for a while.
iChrisLH said:
might i ask where you got that desk? i have a large corner glass desk and a matching drawing table but i am moving to a different apt and cannot find a way to fit them. I have been looking for a wide, smoky glass desk just like that. Thanks

Sorry for the late reply, just read your post.

The desk was a present and I think my friend got it from IKEA.
twoodcc said:
why do you have 3 laptops?

still very nice setup

I started off with just the Powerbook G4 (personal use) and then IBM thinkpad X40 was for work. I just recently bought the Macbook Pro and still haven't decided whether to keep the Powerbook G4 or sell it. I'll post set up of my desktop with the Dell 2405 later on.
thecheda said:
i want that mouse!

Don't listen to Grissom - its actually a great mouse. It does what a mouse is supposed to do.
It has 2 buttons and scroll wheel.

Its certainly not the best mouse on the market.
But it does the job (I've never had any problems with it), and it complements my powerbook brilliantly.

I've also got the Apple BT mouse, and love that as well.

I only use the Phillip Stark mouse for gaming or when I desperately need the scroll wheel.

If you're looking for a simple 2 button mouse, without all the bells and whistles, then this is a great option.
Cloudgazer said:
Don't listen to Grissom - its actually a great mouse. It does what a mouse is supposed to do.
It has 2 buttons and scroll wheel.

Its certainly not the best mouse on the market.
But it does the job (I've never had any problems with it), and it complements my powerbook brilliantly.

I've also got the Apple BT mouse, and love that as well.

I only use the Phillip Stark mouse for gaming or when I desperately need the scroll wheel.

If you're looking for a simple 2 button mouse, without all the bells and whistles, then this is a great option.
It is a good mouse, it was for me, until it started to go wrong more and more. Before I brought it I read that people were having this problem and that it was quite common. I ignored it all and ended up with the same problems. Obviously it's not a 100% problem with all of the mice (otherwise they would never ever sell) but it is certainly a common problem, just read some reviews about them in places, thats all. I didn't mean to randomly and unfairly slog the product, after all I have one!

I've got an Apple Wireless Keyboard and iCurve now for my setup, so it's looking good. Will post a new picture when I get chance.
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