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jdiddy said:
Heres my setup. Just dual Dell 2005FPW's and my old 12inch PB. Just ordered a new one and its here on Friday I can't wait.


Do you use two Displays with your PB or :confused:
Platform said:
Do you use two Displays with your PB or :confused:

Oh no I use the dual displays primarily with my Windows box I have it hooked up via DVI then I have my Powerbook connected via VGA to the left monitor. I use a BT mouse and keyboard, so it works out pretty well without a KVM.
powerbook setup

here's my setup. sorry for the crappy image, my camera is acting up. setup details are in my sig.



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23 inch

Platform said:
Where did you get that pic :confused:
And can it be true that somebody have been crazy enough to modd it that much or just a PS modded pic :confused:

As cool as this would be, you can tell it is fake if you look closely. The reflection on the very front of the bottem of the keyboard is brown like the desk which it is nowhere near which would mean it was extended in photoshop. Also the wood to the right of the computer has been played with a bit as the grain does not match.

Would be pretty neat to try that.


forgive the crappy image quality...i took it with my sidekick II cause i really wanted to just put something in this forum haha...this is my 15" pb with a old school crt for my itunes and other stuff. my desk riddled with nicknacks and art stuff..

when i get my digi cam weds ill post alot better of a picture :D
@blackvirus00; On your desk left of the upside down green cup/lamp cover its really blurry - at first glance I almost thought it was your Voodoo Ritual utensils hehe.

Oh yeah, get rid of the SK2; email is sweet on it but you might be better off for web pages with javascript & a Nokia series60 device (with Opera mobile browser)
just a tip.

Nice MAC though got me drooling.
jdiddy said:
Oh no I use the dual displays primarily with my Windows box I have it hooked up via DVI then I have my Powerbook connected via VGA to the left monitor. I use a BT mouse and keyboard, so it works out pretty well without a KVM.

Ohh.....thanks :eek: :p
Figured I'd add to this post :) Though my setup is very messy with wires everywhere. I wish all my computer junk could be wireless...but I need to get a job that earns lots of £ before that happens.


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fitinferno said:
Figured I'd add to this post :) Though my setup is very messy with wires everywhere. I wish all my computer junk could be wireless...but I need to get a job that earns lots of £ before that happens.

Whats that on your keyboard?

Great setup though.
DeSnousa said:
Whats that on your keyboard?

Great setup though.

Thanks :) The thing on the keyboard is one of those nifty iSkin keyboard protectors. I've been getting very nervous about the keyboard getting gunk under it since I regularly eat around my computer while I'm I got that. It takes a bit of time to get used to, but I think overall it's definitely worth it.
Powerbook G4 Setup

The quiet solitude of home...

17" Powerbook G4
20 Apple Display (total virtual screen area 37")
Background - Wall mounted Base Station Extreme
- Wall mounted Formac Studio TVR


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Here's my setup - 15" G4 Powerbook 1.25ghz, 20" Apple Cinema Display, 40gb iPod Photo, iSight, and my really old Canon Flatbed Scanner N1220U. Behind the monitor is a 120gb Lacie Firewire 400 drive.

Hey Germ war,

Great setup you got there. I was thinking of getting the 20" monitor myself but Im not sure. How does the powerbook go with the lid closed and does it overheat? I really like the look of the 20" not too big not too small.... :)
It works great - you just start up the Powerbook while it's connected to the display, and once it's booted up, you close the lid and everything runs through the monitor.

I've only had this setup for a couple days. The processor does seem to get a little overworked if you're using a lot of programs that require it (Evocam, for instance, really seems to make my Powerbook angry if I run it for too long), so I'm looking at solutions to raise it in the air a little bit to get more airflow underneath.

But, otherwise I'd say there are no problems. I love having the combination of portability mixed with a desktop feel. It'll tide me over until I can afford to buy a Power Mac. :)
Are people running their Powerbooks with an external screen while the PB screen is shut?

I didn't think that was possible due to heat issues.

If it is possible, how do I do it?
External Monitor

You need to plug a keyboard and mouse into the PB, then you can use the powerbook with the lid shut.

Edit: Oh, and an external monitor too, of course. :rolleyes:
jessearl said:
Are people running their Powerbooks with an external screen while the PB screen is shut?

I didn't think that was possible due to heat issues.

If it is possible, how do I do it?
Just close it and plug the monitor in. It should then wake up with the external monitor as your display.

The Powerbook is designed so that it can be run closed. (the main vents are at the sides and back of the machine)
germ war said:
I've only had this setup for a couple days. The processor does seem to get a little overworked if you're using a lot of programs that require it (Evocam, for instance, really seems to make my Powerbook angry if I run it for too long), so I'm looking at solutions to raise it in the air a little bit to get more airflow underneath.

There is only one thing I would recommend for getting air around the laptop, iCurve from Griffin. I have two of them (my 17" laptop and the wife's 12" PB too) and cannot recommend them highly enough. It would also allow you to have a bit more screen real estate with the ACD too.
Graeme A said:
There is only one thing I would recommend for getting air around the laptop, iCurve from Griffin. I have two of them (my 17" laptop and the wife's 12" PB too) and cannot recommend them highly enough. It would also allow you to have a bit more screen real estate with the ACD too.

Those iCurves are indeed sweet...If I weren't still in my nomad stages of life, I'd totally be getting one. Question, though, do you ever feel like either of the PBs will fall off? I'm always afraid that if I get one, I'd forget to take the PB off the stand before leaving to go somewhere and come home to the nightmare of my PB on the floor, dead :eek:
MyLeftNut said:
Tide you over? That would be fine for me...although a G5 powerbook would be the ultimate fantasy at this stage....I love the portability though...

Well, ultimately I'd love to have a desktop because the internals are faster and would be better for photo editing/multitasking/gaming (if I were to ever buy a Mac game, which I haven't) AND have the Powerbook for portability. But, this works great for now. :)
evilernie said:
You need to plug a keyboard and mouse into the PB, then you can use the powerbook with the lid shut.

Edit: Oh, and an external monitor too, of course. :rolleyes:

What about a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse?
puckhead193 said:
I guess its a security thing.... They say it screws up the network. I don't the IT people are dumb. I don't know if it matters, but we have this thing called Perigo (for windoze only)and its software for pc that you download from the network and sign in using your ID/password, it scans your computer for virus and make sure u have the latest MS updates. Half the time it doesn't work and u can't go online, but i'm smart and have a mac so i don't have to deal with this perfigo non-sence :cool:
If i knew why we can't have wireless i would tell you.... But when i'm home, i sit on the cough in the Homer simpson postion and browse the net :p

We have the same system in place at my school and i am wireless. Luckily im on a Mac as well and don't have to worry about it too. Id say if anything they frown upon it unless their IT Department is on the ball and actually searching the network for potential security breaches.
Wow a lot of you guys have messy desks. I'd post but I still can't figure it out lol (partially technologically disabled).

My home office is nice an tidy with everything filed away. I have a bow front desk and a credenza with my little powerbook on it. On a matching printer cart I have my HP Laserjet 1012 printer and my HP 7760. I also have a nice leather comfy chair. On the wall I have a 50" Sony Plasma for my "non distracting current news information source"
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