Heres mine, its straight across the top of my foot. The turtle is my clan (I'm Haudenosaunee, Mohawk to be specific) we're a matrilineal society so I got my clan from my mom, and her mom and so on and so forth. The squares are to represent the original 5 nations of the haudenosaunee confederacy, but I've replaced the tree in the center with my clan. And the swirl in the middle of the turtle means life and it goes counter clock wise which represents life in the Longhouse.
The squares are purple because originally we used to make the beads that make up the wampum out of quahog shells and they are white and purple, so purple was known to be kinda more rare I suppose but thats how we made designs.
So thats my first and only tattoo, so far. My next one I want to get a boat and a net because my Grandfather was a fisherman. But it'll take me forever to get the pic right.