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My 16GB is partitioned into a 5GB Time Machine Backup and 10GB storage. Set me back $230 but it was worth it. :D Light comes in real handy too.
Also have 2 1GB Cruzers that are not used too much anymore.

i hope your kidding.
Holy hell, I've got the same keyboard too :D

I've had my GTI for almost a year and I still never get bored playing with my key.

Same with my Passat key. I don't know how to explain it, but it's just so much fun.

I voted for Obama, too.. we're a little too much alike. ;)
Nice ones.
Right now I have a memorex 4GB.
However, I want a new one.
I really liked the SanDisk Cruzer 4GB, but for the same price I can get a Kingston Datatraveler (black colored like some posters above) 8GB for the same price.
Which one should I get? I'm leaning towards the SD cuz it is smaller. Is there ever speed differences between different types of USB drives?

EDIT: oh snap, nevermind. I found a SD Cruzer Micro 8GB for 15$ less at Wal-Mart than the 4GB at Costco.
Hopefully I find one in stock!
Is it a good buy? SD Micro 8GB for $30CAD?

Sorry it's bad Quality (iPhone's lack of Macro Lens)! It's the best Thumb Drive I have ever had. I have it on a keychain on my keys because of how small it is!

Cost about $40

I've been watching this particular USB device for some time now. The main thing I am curious about is the fact that I plug and pull my current USB Flash Drive in and out of machines VERY often in my work environment. My question is: Will this particular device hold up to fairly high usage? I love the size/impressability of this device when you pull it out of your pocket.
This thing, except 4 GB. I love the retractable plug, although the movable parts and thus necessarily large and hollow chassis make it feel kind of light and cheap.

And this thing:

Not the woman, unfortunately. Just the USB drive she appears to be providing me technical support for. :cool:

On a side note, if you're on a university campus, you can usually get free USB drives at the library. They're stuck in computers, littered on the floor, left on tables. One Monday I saw a USB drive stuck in one of the machines in a library I frequent. On Friday, it was still there. Someone should have just taken it. :rolleyes:
I've been watching this particular USB device for some time now. The main thing I am curious about is the fact that I plug and pull my current USB Flash Drive in and out of machines VERY often in my work environment. My question is: Will this particular device hold up to fairly high usage? I love the size/impressability of this device when you pull it out of your pocket.

I don't know about that one, but I have the Transcend T2 that's about the same size, and I can say for a fact it does not hold up to repeated use. The plastic on mine has cracked in numerous places, and it's been replaced once already because it simply died without warning.

I don't know about that one, but I have the Transcend T2 that's about the same size, and I can say for a fact it does not hold up to repeated use. The plastic on mine has cracked in numerous places, and it's been replaced once already because it simply died without warning.


Wow, that kind of darkens my thoughts on this USB drive. Since you had a Transcend do you think that a Sony drive would be any better?
2.0GB TITANIUM cruzr ... completely amazing how rugged it is... and i test it daily...


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hey how did you put pics without hosting it? do you just put the tags around it?

now you guys got me looking at drives :p;

anyone have this one?
Tiny Drive

i love how small it is,
i could actually have it on my keychain
I've been watching this particular USB device for some time now. The main thing I am curious about is the fact that I plug and pull my current USB Flash Drive in and out of machines VERY often in my work environment. My question is: Will this particular device hold up to fairly high usage? I love the size/impressability of this device when you pull it out of your pocket.

I have the 4GB version that I use all of the time.

The data rate is not as high as some other cards, but it is worth it for the size. I wish it had a better keychain mechanism, but that is splitting hairs.
hey how did you put pics without hosting it? do you just put the tags around it?

now you guys got me looking at drives :p;

anyone have this one?
Tiny Drive

i love how small it is,
i could actually have it on my keychain

wow thats really small and cheap! and 4 gigs!

you could just right click on the image in your link and choose "Copy Image Address" in Safari and then paste that into your post with tags. but this is hotlinking and probably would like you doing it… but then some sites wouldnt mind it.

then you could always just attach it to your post. but if you dont want it to appear down the bottom in the attachment box try this:

1. attach the pic as normal
2. preview your post
3. then click the arrow on the attachment icon and click the image
4. the attachment will appear in [ATTACH] tags and put that wherever you want in your post.

i only find this method good for small images as bigger images will be resized.

heres my 1 GB LG USB drive… cost $40! damn Aussie prices.



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