dude, what is your problem? you've made your position quite clear already. maybe you're fine with waiting, but some people may be unable/unwilling to wait. we have nothing but guesses as to when the intel powermac will come, and we have nothing but guesses as to how powerful it will be. regardless of how many universal apps there may be, it is going to be some time before alot of software is truly optimized for intel.
on the other hand, we do know how powerful the G5 and in particular, the quad are, and most software is still optimized for ppc. for the casual user, it may be in their best interest to wait it out, but for pro's who make a living off of what they do on their computer, they need something they can count on, not take an unwarrented gamble on when the new machines come out, how well they perform, how much they cost, and when software will be universal, and when software will be optimised etc...