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macrumors regular
Oct 27, 2002
At this point I'll take anything as an update. I'd like to see everything mentioned above, but I just need a laptop. Move-in day is only 25 days away on June 28th. Classes begin the 30th. I'm doing summer session and I need a laptop....hurry up apple!!!


macrumors member
Jan 7, 2003
hmmmm something to stir it up...

If Wristers claims can be taken a face value, Motorola's implementation of low-k dielectrics, with its implications for major power consumption reductions, make it a strong contender for PowerBook - and possibly iBook - processors going forward. Curiously, Motorola's announcement that 0.13 micron parts with low-k dielectrics will appear within weeks comes not only just ahead of Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), but hot on the heels of major price cuts on Apple's 12in and 15in PowerBook models. Price cuts are typically a signal that models are to be refreshed.

Maybe we'll see these chips in the new powerbooks? I think this is what Sun Baked is talking about. So, well see as always i'm anxious...


macrumors member
Apr 8, 2003
Austin, TX
Originally posted by eyeluvmyimac
At this point I'll take anything as an update. I'd like to see everything mentioned above, but I just need a laptop. Move-in day is only 25 days away on June 28th. Classes begin the 30th. I'm doing summer session and I need a laptop....hurry up apple!!!
Well, if the MWSF experience with the 17" is anything to go by, an announcement of a 15" 970 PB at WWDC doesn't necessary translate into "immediate availability".

FWIW, I've been waiting patiently for the 15" since the 12/17 AlBooks first came out... "Poor Goldilocks... the 12" was too little... The 17" was too big... but the 15" was *just right*" :)


macrumors newbie
May 15, 2003
Just for your information, more complete translation of posted information on Kodawarisan.

15-inch PowerBook G4 Introduction?
Apple is planning to introduce new Aluminum cased 15-inch PowerBook G4 by the middle of this month.
According to the source(s), Special Event is planned for the new 15-inch PowerBook G4 announcement.

Past “rumors” for the announcement of new 15-inch PowerBook on this site did not materialize. They also posted a “rumor” linking SARS in Asia as a reason for the delay in introduction of the new 15”PB.

To be fair, Kodawarisan does not list these “information” as rumors. They post the news passively as FYI to the user group.

As for me, I had to purchase 15” last week for a trip to Japan. I came back Monday night and there it was, a news about price drop. I guess you can’t wing at this game.


macrumors 68040
Apr 3, 2003
if your PB is still within 10days of purchase, go ask about price matching!!


macrumors 68040
May 27, 2003
Asheville, NC
Originally posted by Dr.DODO
Just for your information, more complete translation of posted information on Kodawarisan.

15-inch PowerBook G4 Introduction?
Apple is planning to introduce new Aluminum cased 15-inch PowerBook G4 by the middle of this month.
According to the source(s), Special Event is planned for the new 15-inch PowerBook G4 announcement.

God PLEASE let it be next week!
I'm dying without my 'book :(


macrumors 604
I'm really thinking the announcement will come just after Fathers Day weekend. It's just a very strong huntch. Also I'm expecting either faster 7455s or the next revission of the G4 beyond it. I really really don't expect to see PPC970s. If IBM had PPC970s to give Apple then they would have announced that there production had started succesfully and ahead of schedule. Both parts of that announcement would give them a boost in stock and especially the early part. If they wait to make a simultaneous announcement with Apple then they will most likely lose the shock of an early announcement.

Dont Hurt Me

macrumors 603
Dec 21, 2002
Yahooville S.C.
Hey macbandit, i think your wrong and that another g4 powermac isnt going to help Apple much. Seems like IBM was spilling the beans everywhere then suddenly got very quiet about the 970. Reminds me of motorola and the g4. I think this is part of the deal when Apple agrees to buy massive quantities. Anyways we will know by the end of this month. Either shiney new 970 powermacs to come or more overclocked motorola g4's with 2 chips in them. Why the hunch of more motorola?

Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
The news about the 970 has been "odd" lots of stuff about it, but when the fluffly feel good rumors have been boiled away -- there really hasn't been any rumor of depth about the darn thing, just the news IBM dropped...

People say the 970 is going to be in "everything"...

Then there comes a rumor of a new G4 cube and/or monitorless low-end machine.

People say they looked at the new 970 machine, benchmarked it, and looked at the block diagram. Yet they report on the ports instead, nothing of any real meaning.

The 970 are in production, sitting in warehouses, etc. Yet no machines weeks and months later.


More real news coming from Motorola, which is really odd -- and we all missed it because everyone has been focused on the 970. :rolleyes:


macrumors 604
Originally posted by Dont Hurt Me
Hey macbandit, i think your wrong and that another g4 powermac isnt going to help Apple much. Seems like IBM was spilling the beans everywhere then suddenly got very quiet about the 970. Reminds me of motorola and the g4. I think this is part of the deal when Apple agrees to buy massive quantities. Anyways we will know by the end of this month. Either shiney new 970 powermacs to come or more overclocked motorola g4's with 2 chips in them. Why the hunch of more motorola?

Well my hunch is based on that there is news from Motorola of success with their new G4 and no news from IBM. The deal with Motorola and Apple never kept them quiet about success in production on processors it just kept them quiet on the deal between them and Apple (i.e. what processors they were buying and how many).

Also I meant to say the announcement after Fathers day would be for the 15" latptop and a revission to the other laptops. I'm just guessing here about the timing but so many other large companies run sales and release new product around Fathers day that it just seems to synch up with a middle of the month release.

Also please don't take me wrong but please give the overclocking thing a rest. If Motorola stamps it at the certified clock rate it's not overclocked it's just that they had more success in production yields and a possible new discovery and changer there for in the production giving them better and higher rated yields then their initial predictions.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 20, 2002
Malmö, Sweden
Originally posted by MacBandit
I'm really thinking the announcement will come just after Fathers Day weekend. It's just a very strong huntch. Also I'm expecting either faster 7455s or the next revission of the G4 beyond it. I really really don't expect to see PPC970s. If IBM had PPC970s to give Apple then they would have announced that there production had started succesfully and ahead of schedule. Both parts of that announcement would give them a boost in stock and especially the early part. If they wait to make a simultaneous announcement with Apple then they will most likely lose the shock of an early announcement.

I don't know about the timing, but I'll have to agree with the 'no 970 in the 15" just yet' theory. I think there are too many design issues with a new processor and a new chipset (by the way everyone seems to be forgetting the chipset and its power consumption) to throw it in a laptop just yet. I can see, on the other hand, some early 7457s in the 15" and probably some 7547s in the 12" (which looks like to be revved up soon too) to solve power dissipation issues (something that's not that much of a problem in the 17").



macrumors 68040
May 27, 2003
Asheville, NC
Originally posted by eyeluvmyimac
At this point I'll take anything as an update. I'd like to see everything mentioned above, but I just need a laptop. Move-in day is only 25 days away on June 28th. Classes begin the 30th. I'm doing summer session and I need a laptop....hurry up apple!!!

Yeah no kidding...At the college I work at, I'm supposed to be doing a Photoshop presentation to a bunch of 16-18 year olds on the 24th (the day after the day the new Powerbooks could very likely be announced on). It'd be nice to do it on a new Powerbook instead of one of the school's Dells :(

Guess I could drag in my iMac if I got really desperate huh?


macrumors 6502
Jun 2, 2003
Three Possibilities. The first is the 15'' would simply be turned into a albook. Say no backlighting but otherwise same feature set as a 17''. No special event just a pr release and their it is. But i would have expected and have been waiting for for it to turn up, But it hasnt and the increasing length of time since it was originally released at 1GHZ means it becomes absurd to release a machine that is no faster than its predecessor 8 months after introduction.

Next is the same as above but a rev to 1.1-1.2Ghz with 12'' going to 1Ghz and 17'' same as 15''. Definitily worth a special event but breaking the no hardware rule at WWDC? Unlikely.
Considering the price drops 1 week-1 month after WWDC.

Third is the long shot WWDC+10.3+ some sort of 970 based macs. But powerbooks being first seems unlikely to me.


macrumors 68040
May 27, 2003
Asheville, NC
Originally posted by Golem
Three Possibilities. The first is the 15'' would simply be turned into a albook. Say no backlighting but otherwise same feature set as a 17''. No special event just a pr release and their it is. But i would have expected and have been waiting for for it to turn up, But it hasnt and the increasing length of time since it was originally released at 1GHZ means it becomes absurd to release a machine that is no faster than its predecessor 8 months after introduction.

Next is the same as above but a rev to 1.1-1.2Ghz with 12'' going to 1Ghz and 17'' same as 15''. Definitily worth a special event but breaking the no hardware rule at WWDC? Unlikely.
Considering the price drops 1 week-1 month after WWDC.

Third is the long shot WWDC+10.3+ some sort of 970 based macs. But powerbooks being first seems unlikely to me.

I really don't even care that much about the new processors. I mean hey, more speed is certainly welcome, but I was happy with my 667mhz Powerbook doing the stuff I used it for. If they put a 1ghz processor in there, that would be plenty for me.

I just want the aluminum. Ok and the backlighting. And a better keyboard (more solid feeling, less flimsly--like the one on the 12" Al). :)


macrumors newbie
Jun 2, 2003
yorkshire sausage

yawn....come on, we all know these machines are ready to go, apple- just the release the things!!!! you are going to make lotsa dough from this so get them out of the warehouses and into the stores NOW!! this is becoming a joke...i will be buying one on the day of release and may even receive it before xmas!



macrumors 68040
May 27, 2003
Asheville, NC
Originally posted by MacBandit
I thought the 12" and 17" both had solid mounted keyboards.

Yes, that's what I mean. I hope the new 15" PBs have solid mounted keyboards like the 12" and 17".
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