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macrumors 6502
Jun 10, 2020
Unless you plan to run it 24/7 and / or the cost of electricity is exceptionally high where you live no G5 will significantly alter your power bill. I'd consider other criteria first.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 22, 2020
São Paulo, Brazil
I really like the idea of having a G5 quad, I did a little research and people don't seem to like the liquid cooling in the powermacs, but I think the leakage problem, is limited only to the first units, so I studied, the latest versions released in 2005 they are not problematic.

Is this right? Can I trust a PM late 2005?


macrumors 6502
Jun 10, 2020
I really like the idea of having a G5 quad, I did a little research and people don't seem to like the liquid cooling in the powermacs, but I think the leakage problem, is limited only to the first units, so I studied, the latest versions released in 2005 they are not problematic.

Is this right? Can I trust a PM late 2005?
The belief is the PowerMac G5 Quad has had fewer problems with the liquid cooling system compared to other versions. However I haven't seen any actual data to support that, I think that belief is based on anecdotal information. I have no reason to disbelieve it.

If you want a quad I say go for it, you're aware of the potential liquid cooling issue so you know to watch out for it when purchasing and owning.

With that said I really wanted to purchase a PowerMac G5 Quad but, because of the liquid cooling issues, I decided to avoid it. I rarely use my existing G5 and I didn't want to routinely be inspecting the Quad for leakage on a system I wouldn't use with regularity.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2019
I really like the idea of having a G5 quad, I did a little research and people don't seem to like the liquid cooling in the powermacs, but I think the leakage problem, is limited only to the first units, so I studied, the latest versions released in 2005 they are not problematic.

Is this right? Can I trust a PM late 2005?

It's a 15 year old computer going on 16. Maybe a lucky number? Who knows. No one knows how reliable any of the G5 computers are moving forward, but they are getting rarer especially the 11,2 model Quad. It is also one of the most sought after and the ones there which were professionally and completely refurbed can cost on the upwards of $1500 with up to a year in their warranty. I wouldn't recommend that route unless you have some mission critical legacy apps that run your business and you need Quad power for which few PPC apps take advantage of anyhow. If you spend on the Quad G5, be prepared to spend more money to continue keeping it or replace it with another Quad.
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