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What Web Browser is Your Main/Default?

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Cox Orange

macrumors 68000
Jan 1, 2010
Don't know what I am doing wrong. Under Tiger I had OmniWeb and icab as a fall back solution back then, but when I try it nowadays, they are unusable (almost same as Safari). Pages load eternally, scripts don't answer/seem to be stuck in infinite loop. No pictures on webpages are loaded. (Note: I don't have set Safari or Omniweb to mobile-webbrowsing, since I find it already subpar on smartphones that you can't use websites to the full extent end even are missing information).

Tenfourfox is still the least pain in the arse for me.

PS: read @Dronecatcher 's post on OmniWeb for better youtube playback. I just tried. Page is ready with loading, but youtube playback windows is just black, not even showing the play-button and progress bar or set-icons etc. - I do have suggestions for other videos at the right side, though. Also have the "subscribe-button" and everything. Commemntary "still loading" (though browser says "page loaded" at bottom).
Actually the same behaviour like Safari.

PPS: Does TenFourKit fall back to Safari's webkit, too? If relinking isn't possible under Tiger, how then can it be stopped from using Safari's webkit?
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macrumors 603
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
S: read @Dronecatcher 's post on OmniWeb for better youtube playback. I just tried. Page is ready with loading, but youtube playback windows is just black, not even showing the play-button and progress bar or set-icons etc.

Recently, the older version of Omniweb stopped being functional - use 5.11.2. Also, it can be fussy about Quicktime and Perian - here's my 1Ghz TiBook running it today with Quicktime 7.6 and Perian 1.2.3:


Cox Orange

macrumors 68000
Jan 1, 2010
Thanks for the help, but I have Omniweb Version 5.11.2 already (and Quicktime 7.6 and Perian 1.2.3*), which is the Version I have the problems with.

* there is a "newer" version (seems to be the old developer or one of them) but I haven't tried it.

Here it says, when you install LeopardWebkit completely and then open Safari, Safari will use the LeopardWebkit, if I understand what the person wants to say. Which kind of contradicts what people said on the page before, that you have to relink.

It is this comment
"I recommend the complete install option over using the included app that ‘hijacks’ Safari and changes it for each time its run. I found the Webkit app to be slower and I never have had a single issue with the permanent install option, with advanced features enabled (2 scripts you run and enter admin password).

Thereafter, when you launch Safari it works like Safari 6.0.x or whatever they have webkit updated to on the powerpc side. (...)" (bold print by me).

PS: maybe we could as well have a list of the basic add-ons / plugins for mozilla- and webkit-browsers. But on the other hand this is somehow already done with Erik's TenFourFox Tweaks FAQ.


macrumors 603
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
Thanks for the help, but I have Omniweb Version 5.11.2 already (and Quicktime 7.6 and Perian 1.2.3*), which is the Version I have the problems with.

Maybe try adjusting the security settings so it's not inadvertently blocking googlevideo?

Yes, installing system wide Webkit is best option, when it works. I've had some problems in the past that have meant a complete system re-install but I've also had good results too, though no significant speed up.

I think web browsing on PPC can't be handled by just one go to browser - you need to have a few tuned to certain tasks - unless you're on Dual/Quad G5 in which case you can get by.

Cox Orange

macrumors 68000
Jan 1, 2010
Hm,... tried, still no idea why mine's not working. Must be something outside of OmniWeb perhaps.


macrumors newbie
May 16, 2007
I'm mainly making this thread to link in the new FAQ. :)

While some may not realize it, we actually have a pretty nice web browser selection on PowerPC. Most of them aren't fully up-to-date, but they work well for basic browsing. I'll make this a WikiPost so we can add to the list, but please only add web browsers that can be actually be used for basic browsing. I'd say Camino is the oldest/least usable browser that can make this list.

I'll also add that almost any WebKit browser, no matter the age, is OK as long as it can be relinked against LWK!

  • TenFourFox - Build of new Firefox for PowerPC. Only up-to-date browser for 10.4.
  • Leopard-WebKit - Safari, but with the latest WebKit builds! Pages render just as they would in Safari 10.
  • Roccat - The 3rd of the only 3 browser kept up-to-date that support PowerPC. You need to relink it against Leopard-WebKit or else it will use the old WebKit builds used in Safari 5.
  • Demeter - Very fast web browser. Not fully out of development, so it can be buggy.
  • iCab - Versions that support Leopard and Tiger aren't the latest but they're not half bad.
  • Camino - Old (2012), but fast and good for basic browsing.
  • AuroraFox - Port of Firefox 20
  • SeaMonkey - Last updated in December 2013.
  • Stainless - Said to be pretty speedy and can relink against LWK.
  • Sunrise - Web browser for Web developers
  • Radon 1.5.1 Radon is a fast, lightweight web browser created exclusively for Mac. It includes a trim downed, efficient interface, downloads, bookmarks, and all the speed offered of WebKit.
  • Shira - Webkit browser that Demeter is based upon. Tabs at bottom with thumbnails.
  • Opera - Latest version is 10.63 but it's still surprisingly capable.
  • TenFourFox - Build of new Firefox for PowerPC. Only up-to-date browser for 10.4.
  • TenFourKit - Newer WebKit for Tiger. Outdated, but better than Safari 4.
  • OmniWeb - Not up-to-date, but works well. Possibly the best browser for lower end machines with Tiger, and 2nd best overall.
  • iCab - Versions that support Leopard and Tiger aren't the latest but they're not half bad.
  • Camino - Old (2012), but fast and good for basic browsing.
  • Opera - Latest version is 10.63 but it's still surprisingly capable.
  • Radon 1.0 - Radon is a fast, lightweight web browser created exclusively for Mac. It includes a trim downed, efficient interface, downloads, bookmarks, and all the speed offered of WebKit.
  • Midori - Hasn't been updated in a while but it's very fast on older hardware.
  • FireFox - Latest version that supports Linux on PowerPC is 51 which is almost the same available on Intel systems. OS X PPC maxes out at 3.6.x
If you can think of any good web browser for PowerPC, add them!
Dropbox does not support my OS. Is there anybody who could send me that radon 1.0-version for Tiger via email?
Thanks in advance


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Dropbox does not support my OS. Is there anybody who could send me that radon 1.0-version for Tiger via email?
Thanks in advance
It isn't necessary for Dropbox to support your OS.

Click on the link and download from the browser.


macrumors 68000
Jul 12, 2011
I recall maybe 3 years ago or so, I could load 1080p HD Youtube videos at full speed in Leopard Webkit without a hitch.

Now Leopard Webkit won't even play youtube videos at all (sort of in mobile mode, but with rubbish quality, and still choppy). TFF will, but only at 360p, and it's pretty choppy.

In LWK I actually remember dragging the window from a monitor powered by a 7800GT over to one powered by a 6600GT and watching the frame rate get hammered in real time, before dragging it back and returning to perfectly smooth.

Do I have something configured wrong, did YouTube change things big time over the last few years, or is there some other workaround for this I'm not aware of?

Surely standards haven't changed THAT much. Quad with an FX4500 was well capable of HD web video playback then, why not now?


macrumors 68000
Jul 12, 2011
When you played it last, 1080P would have been delivered in Flash - easily doable on the Quad. Now, it's HTML5 only - much more CPU intensive.

My knowledge of that is clearly lacking. I would have assumed hated Flash would have performed worse, and that HTML5 would only be an improvement for the Quad. Clearly not the case. Funny that a reasonably powerful machine get's less useful like that overtime only due to changing standards, not any fault of raw strength. It was possible once. Too niche to support.


macrumors newbie
May 16, 2007
It isn't necessary for Dropbox to support your OS.

Click on the link and download from the browser.

Thanks. I got mixed up because this does not work with any of my browsers on Tiger. It works with FFx on XP, though.
The file does not work with tiger, when unzipped the file name is radon-leopard. Has anybody a radon version for Tiger left?
BTW, that thread inspired me to look for still other browsers and I remembered maclynx from 68k times. There is a port to OS X called Lynxlet which can be found here: It is a bit weird but works on my tiger ibook G4.


macrumors 6502
Dec 16, 2016
I recall maybe 3 years ago or so, I could load 1080p HD Youtube videos at full speed in Leopard Webkit without a hitch.

Now Leopard Webkit won't even play youtube videos at all (sort of in mobile mode, but with rubbish quality, and still choppy). TFF will, but only at 360p, and it's pretty choppy.

In LWK I actually remember dragging the window from a monitor powered by a 7800GT over to one powered by a 6600GT and watching the frame rate get hammered in real time, before dragging it back and returning to perfectly smooth.

Do I have something configured wrong, did YouTube change things big time over the last few years, or is there some other workaround for this I'm not aware of?

Surely standards haven't changed THAT much. Quad with an FX4500 was well capable of HD web video playback then, why not now?

My A1013 PBG4 does 360p YT just fine with LWK so something must be wrong with your computer.
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macrumors 68020
Feb 17, 2017
I just tested this on a few machines for some non-scientific results;

LWK can playback 720p near perfectly on my DP G5 2.0Ghz w/ 6800 GT (256MB). There is a bit of stuttering while things load, but it smooths out ok.

The same format plays perfectly on my DC G5 2.3Ghz w/ FX4500 (512MB). I imagine a Quad would handle 720p very smoothly.

I don’t have any displays attached to my PowerPCs which can handle 1080p though, so I can’t test this, but a Quad *should* be able to keep up.

My Sawtooth G4 700Mhz failed to get very far in LWK YouTube playback of any kind. The browser kept crashing while trying to playback, even at 240p.

I also tested the latest LWK on my DP G5 1.8Ghz w/ FX5200 (64MB). Playback of 720p was no good, but 360p was fine.

Lastly, I tried loading the same video in Firefox 47.0 in Ubuntu MATE on my DC G5 and couldn’t get anywhere. It just loads indefinitely. Maybe there are some patches to get this working.

A couple of things to note:

I’m running the latest version of Leopard WebKit (604.5.6) and the last Apple-official version of QuickTime for 10.5 (7.6.4) is installed. I just stumbled across a listing for QuickTime 7.6.9 for Leopard PowerPC, but haven’t tried this on any of my Macs.

Last thing, you will possibly get poor playback if Energy Saver is set to Reduced Performance in System Prefs. It might be worth checking this setting.


macrumors member
Nov 15, 2016
Now while there are options for 10.4 what is there for 10.2.8 systems? I use that on my g3 cause applications like spaces, widgets, etc. dont clog up my memory


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Now while there are options for 10.4 what is there for 10.2.8 systems? I use that on my g3 cause applications like spaces, widgets, etc. dont clog up my memory
There is nothing for Jaguar that is going to give you even a subpar performance. It's all too old.
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