woodelf said:And, unless it's your professor, when they say you "must" do something in MSOffice format, because it's 'universal', you should tell them to go find a non-proprietary format, and quit demanding that you spend hundreds of dollars for crappy software to match their particular preferences. Or, like i said, quietly do it in Open Office. [the 'universality' of MSWord format is one of my pet peeves--someone sends me something in MSWord format, i ignore it if i don't care, or request that they provide it in a useable format, if i do.]
Umm yeah you do that and you will fail. It is NEVER a good idea to piss off the person who controls the grade. Also the cost of office is pocket change compared to the cost of school. It the default standard of the world so get used to it.
On that note I had a great laugh watching a student get chew out by the prof when he trade to do something like that. Student got told off and this include the part about Teacher was the prof and he makes the rules. Follow by the part that the school gives it to use for free so the entire cost argument just went away. That and the school puts them on there computer free for the student to use. I though the guy deservice it and I think the money argument is stupid. How much do we spend on text books every sesmter. Top it off I spent over 300 so far on software for school and i know that going to go higher as I need some more software to do different things in class.