Anyway, I got insurances for the first time this year and feel really secure in case I get my stuff stolen (as long as they don't steal my backup harddrive).
I ordered the same computer as you, i7 with 8 gigs (16 gigs was too expensive). Should be a great machine, almost 4 times more powerful than my macbook pro and has the potential of 4 times more ram.
I'm really going to use all it's potential, I've been developing a music production setup which requires over 6 gigs of ram minimum and lots of processor power (which is why my laptop could not cut it anymore).
gosh, 2 days...
Yeah I did get lucky enough to have my external hd and iPod passed over, (weird seeing as they took a glass jar of pennies and an empty 5 dollar desktop cd rack.) They left all peripherals and cords, the power cord and keyboard and mouse for the iMac and the iBooks power adapter which was plugged into it as well, couldn't be bothered I guess. I lost only a couple pages of my writing, didn't back up the iBook religiously.
I write and when I have time and motivation produce and direct movies and I'll use the computer for editing (for the time being home movies of my son) and writing and while I know people around here don't like it I download torrents, mostly large amounts of TV Shows but when I feel like it a movie or two. I also own an extremely large DVD collection and I am now trying to get rid of a little less than half of it and I still am above 500 of them. I have always been one to download or rent and then if I like it I buy it. As for TV I have cable but I hate watching shows any other way.
I hate waiting, this is the worst.