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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 26, 2016
Hey everybody, name's Evan. Long time reader of the forums here, first-time poster.

So, I'm a 9-Year Veteran of Apple, been using them since high school. Unfortunately, while I feel Apple is getting better as a whole in quality and convenience, sometimes Apple screws with you, and removes features you like for no reason, like the grid version of Spaces, (as opposed to the current linear version) let's say.

I recently sold an old computer that I never bothered to upgrade from Snow Leopard. I've now got a Retina display Mac and I'm on El Capitan.

For my job, I open hundreds of JPEG's and PNG's a day, and I used to be able to open them in actual size by default with Preview. Apple, in their infinite wisdom, removed this simple feature which consequentially made my life infinitely harder, since I'm opening hundreds of images, and now I have to 'actual size' them, slowing down my productivity tremendously.

Now, surely, there must be some way to restore this option in Terminal, since the feature previously existed. I've tried to learn some basic coding to set Preview to open images in default size, to no avail.

Could anybody help me with a line of code that will allow images to open actual size by default in Preview? Or, at the very least, direct me to some page that will help me learn basic Terminal coding so I can figure out a solution myself?

Thanks a million.
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