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snow leopard

  1. Wowfunhappy

    Other Steam API Emulator

    You can buy lots of video games on Steam. Many of them support old versions of OS X! In fact, many of them only support old versions of OS X, because Apple removed 32-bit support in macOS 10.15 Catalina. Too bad Steam only supports macOS 10.15 and above! And most Steam games need Steam to run...
  2. JnL

    What's the last year of MacBook Pros with native XP drivers, or at least enough to be usable?

    I have an Early 2011 13" MBP. Last of the Snow Leopard era, and technically last that can run a BootCamp version capable of running XP. What I'm wondering is if the cutoff is the 2009s, 2010s, or 2011s.
  3. gow75

    iM 4,1-14,4 Restore to newer OS x version - current 10.6.8 os x imac 9.1

    Hello, I need some assistance with performing a restore, I recenlty acquired another Imac found at a thrift shop and it works great however i need help trying to or performing a restore and erase current user profile. the current version installed is OSX 10.6.8 this is a IMAC 9, please see pic...
  4. H

    Need for installation media Snow Leopard 10.6.6 or 10.6.7

    Dear all, is there anybody out there who can help me an image of Snow Leopard 10.6.6 or 10.6.7 that can be used for full installation of the OS? Just the update to 10.6.6 is not sufficient. I received an old MacBook that has been produced between 2/2011 and 10/2011 without CDs and OS for...
  5. theMarble

    The Mac OS X Theming WikiPost

    The Mac OS X Theming WikiPost Original revision: 7 July 2023 Overview During the 2000s and early 2010s, customizing the look and feel of Mac OS X was common-place within the Mac community. Sites like MacThemes were constantly creating new themes, icon packs and docks to enhance (or overhaul)...
  6. B S Magnet

    FileVault and Snow Leopard, after a sparseimage recovery: getting Login window to play nice

    It’s late, and I may return to edit this after some rest… Short story long: I ran FileVault on a Snow Leopard box for years until the SATA bus on which the FileVault sparseimage had been living started having trouble (the SATA bus, not the drive or volume). After pulling the drive from the...
  7. G

    Intel HD Graphics 4000 support on Snow Leopard

    I have a bit of a strange situation.. I managed to get Snow Leopard working on my 2012 MacBook Pro Ivy Bridge (Unsupported i7 CPU) but I really want to get some basic video support (multiple resolutions) working. Even without GPU accelleration games etc. run really well but they either run in a...
  8. Lysak

    Mid 2010 17 inch MacBook Pro 6.1 No Display

    Hey, this thread is an updated version. My previous thread had stated issues about many things but I have corrected most of them. Last of the issues are that there is no backlight but shows the desktop when light is flashed through the apple. I did find the fuse F9800 and found it to be faulty...
  9. N

    Can't install older OSX

    I am having the worst time trying to install an older OSX on a second drive on 10.13.6. I have a early 2009 Mac Pro 2.23 8 core, yada yada. I need to install DVD Studio Pro with FCP 7. Need to use DVD SP. I have formatted external, internal as well as USB drives and have tried to load Mavericks...
  10. R

    Decrypting a WD external hard drive with Mac OS snow panthers files with a PC. I really F’ed up.

    Some years ago I stored some officials documents on an external western digital hard drive, I also thought it was cool to decrypt them. The operating system was snow leopard, and most of the the files are (.jpegENX) Of course I no longer own a Mac, and I need some of these files to fill in the...
  11. iAppleOrchard

    Should macOS 14 be an update like macOS Snow Leopard?

    Greetings! macOS .0 updates over the past couple of years have been pretty buggy lately. Last time we got an update that focused on bug fixes and improvements was Mac OS X Snow Leopard. It was (and kinda still is) considered the greatest macOS version to be made. Now that brings us to today...
  12. J

    Intel Mac OS 10.6.8 Transferring iMovies to iCloud?

    I have an old Intel iMac running snow leopard version 10.6.8 and I am in the process of backing up my iPhoto library to the iCloud iDrive through Firefox browser. As far I know there is no way to use iCloud on this OS version so my only option is create folders and to save picture files up...
  13. tompaulman

    Snow Leopard system preferences icons for Mojave

    I’ve been trying to make Mojave look like Snow Leopard, but one thing I couldn’t find was a theme for System Preferences. So I made my own. It’s my first theming project and I decided to share it, even though I don’t think anyone will care about it, since Mojave has been out of support for a...
  14. Enrico_C

    Installing Snow Leopard on early Macbook Air to run Final Cut 7

    Hello all. I'll jump straight to the issue: my goal is to run Final Cut 7 on a Macbook Air. I have a 2007 iMac devoted to this purpose but finding myself travelling a lot, I would like to edit on the move using the lightest and most economical solution (small screen size is not an issue as I...
  15. L

    Snow Leopard & EPSON Stylus CX 4200 Printer Woes

    Despite the EPSON driver download webpage correctly sensing that my parent's old iMac was running Snow Leopard and offering a specific driver install package and the install going smoothly, the unit does not print anything on the page. The printer seems to move (paper and print head(s))...
  16. B S Magnet

    Midnight strikes… does your OEM Optical Drive-equipped Intel Mac running Snow Leopard try to eject media?

    On a one-to-ten priority scale of importance, this one ranks just below a “1”. But since it happens every time, and since I was in the middle of doings things today when it happened, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to ask. If you use 10.6.8 on a Mac which is designed to run 10.6.8 (as supported by...
  17. alex_free

    Legacy Springboards for Commercial Web Services Wiki

    The web is getting more and more bloated. Even with TenFourFox FPR 32 Intel on Snow Leopard (2.93GHz, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA 9600M GT 512MB) the modern is unusable due to how slow everything functions (even with uBlock legacy). Yes, I know there are other browser options and tweaks, but I...
  18. CPark98

    Mac OS X Snow Leopard Wallpaper Folder - Google Drive Here is a folder of every wallpaper bundled with OS X Snow Leopard. I ripped this in it's original quality from my 2006 MacBook Pro, so enjoy!
  19. B S Magnet

    MBP 1,1-10,2 MacBookPro4,1 neofetch GPU reporting, uh, confusion?

    I’m sure there’s probably a simple technical explanation behind this which I haven’t yet found on MR or elsewhere. Maybe the resident GPU experts on here — ahem, @Amethyst1 — might have some insight. Why would neofetch report a MacBookPro4,1’s GPU not as a GeForce 8600M GT, but as… an Intel HD...
  20. X

    Retail demo software 10.5, 10.6, 10.7

    Hey everyone, I’m currently seeking old Mac OS 10.5 to 10.7 demo software, users or backups of those. Could these files may still exist in the Apple asw? If you have something or you know where I’ll be able too get this software please write me a message.