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Original poster
Feb 16, 2023


macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2020
So where is green nonsense, or carbon, or whatever listed? I don’t see it

The crippling of my charging is also hidden under a few menus

I don’t get if this is so great why it’s not a prompt on the first startup after update, or why the carbon footprint crap isn’t clearly listed under the location services, I mean they have “compass calibration” but not “judging me based on where I get power”?

Maybe because they knew it wasn’t going to go over well, but couldn’t help themselves?
You mean on Windows 11?

I hear you though. When this iOS feature was mentioned here on this site a while back, I was outraged like you. But then I found out it was optional. Then it's a non issue to me. I won't be happy if there's no way to disable it.
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Original poster
Feb 16, 2023
My background checks for TS and additional tickets into Unacknowledged Special Access Programs cared a real lot about where I lived not just currently but every residence way back into the past. So "No one really cares" is wrong.

Guess our experience is different


macrumors 65816
Dec 7, 2016
It could be something as simple as based on time of day (using hour clock settings). More green power is generated in the US during daylight, plus power demand is lower during the day. So it could just be “we will try to charge during the daylight”.

Apple never said it was a good estimate hahaha
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 10, 2022
If I put my iWhatever on charge, I mean it to…charge
And it will charge… you do know it uses the the algorithm it already does to schedule charging and even on the Apple site they specifically state that it will only turn on to those with set schedules and those with varying schedules it wouldn’t even turn on. As you pointed before you have it off now and others have turned it off, but how well did you actually explain to friends? Are you fully aware how it even works to be giving “advice”?

The vast majority didn’t even realize it was a “feature” or option because the majority have schedules for the most part and doesn’t affect the majority. While I agree it should have been a pop up and it very well could have under tips which I think most ignores and stops from appearing myself included. The only complaints really are sites like this and other select smaller group of device enthusiasts and that’s far from the majority. For instance today at my job, one guy didn’t realize that you could use YouTube and multitask now…


Original poster
Feb 16, 2023
And it will charge… you do know it uses the the algorithm it already does to schedule charging and even on the Apple site they specifically state that it will only turn on to those with set schedules and those with varying schedules it wouldn’t even turn on. As you pointed before you have it off now and others have turned it off, but how well did you actually explain to friends? Are you fully aware how it even works to be giving “advice”?

The vast majority didn’t even realize it was a “feature” or option because the majority have schedules for the most part and doesn’t affect the majority. While I agree it should have been a pop up and it very well could have under tips which I think most ignores and stops from appearing myself included. The only complaints really are sites like this and other select smaller group of device enthusiasts and that’s far from the majority. For instance today at my job, one guy didn’t realize that you could use YouTube and multitask now…

It’s ****

I put it on charge, charge full on

I have seen NO ONE who was like “wow that’s cool, I like my phone to charge like ****”


macrumors 6502a
Jan 10, 2022
It’s ****

I put it on charge, charge full on

I have seen NO ONE who was like “wow that’s cool, I like my phone to charge like ****”
Okay so just blow it out of proportion got it, enjoy your rant. As someone who has a pretty consistent schedule I have literally noticed no change..I wake up a few hours earlier and my battery is charged still and that’s all via wireless. I can confidently bet you haven’t actually noticed the change nor probably ran into an issue, but enjoy the getting the steam out


Original poster
Feb 16, 2023


macrumors 65816
Apr 24, 2022
This is one of those threads I had to check the date on, to see whether it was old and stale but someone bumped it up by replying today. Because I thought everyone had this discussion already, last year when this update was released.

Vlad Soare

macrumors 6502a
Mar 23, 2019
Bucharest, Romania
What if I charge my phone in the car? Will it consider that energy green or not? 😁

A nation all charging their “little phone” at the same time does tax the grid though.
Yeah, but that's just a drop in the ocean if said nation are charging their (soon to be legally mandated) electric cars at the same time. Not to mention that just city street lighting alone uses a lot more power than all the mobile phones on that street combined. But of course, like everything eco, the important thing isn't necessarily to save the planet, but just to be seen trying.
We travel across continents in airplanes that burn tens of tonnes of fuel during a single flight, and then we feel virtuous for charging our phones at 'eco' hours to make a difference. Saving the planet, right...😁
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macrumors 6502
Dec 2, 2006
This new ‘green’ feature cracks me up - smartphone power consumption amounts to a mouse fart in the scheme of things, and my phone only uses 1watt per hour SOT.

If Apple really wanted to do something green, they could easily add a couple custom charge optimization settings, explain how to use them, and most phones/batts could probably last longer than Apple will provide iOS support. I’d say battery deteriorate is #1or2 reason most folks upgrade.

Course, along with the reduced e-waste, that would mean reduced sales - so it’s a non-starter.


macrumors 6502
Jul 12, 2011
Your billing / shipping / car registration and so on address should never be where your family sleeps

My home address isn’t on ANYTHING, my work doesn’t have it, registrations don’t have it, shipping addresses it’s not, I have a mailbox for all of that, plus if you’re away your mail is much safer there

Mailboxes are a very smart move for people
You're a little odd in my opinion, I hope you don't find that offensive. What exactly are you so paranoid about? What do you do in life that yields this much paranoia that you can't have a bill, or delivery come to your home? I know some really care about their privacy and if that's the case why use iPhone, and not an ultra secure open solution which already exists? Apple is better than Android and Google in relation to this, but BY FAR not totally open and honest about what they see. Mostly why the insane paranoia ?


macrumors 6502
Jul 12, 2011
It could be something as simple as based on time of day (using hour clock settings). More green power is generated in the US during daylight, plus power demand is lower during the day. So it could just be “we will try to charge during the daylight”.

Apple never said it was a good estimate hahaha
This is probably TRUE, simply down to an excess of solar/wind power during the afternoon which is the case worldwide and something batteries of a million different kinds is trying to make use of.


Original poster
Feb 16, 2023
You're a little odd in my opinion, I hope you don't find that offensive. What exactly are you so paranoid about? What do you do in life that yields this much paranoia that you can't have a bill, or delivery come to your home? I know some really care about their privacy and if that's the case why use iPhone, and not an ultra secure open solution which already exists? Apple is better than Android and Google in relation to this, but BY FAR not totally open and honest about what they see. Mostly why the insane paranoia ?

Everything I guess is the easy answer, though it’s not paranoid, it’s just historically giving more people more personal info hasn’t been a benifit

Even buying something, and simply providing your email, we’ll most of the time you just get spammed

The other benefit for a mail box is your mail is secure and out of the elements if you’re away for a few days


macrumors 65816
Dec 7, 2016
This is probably TRUE, simply down to an excess of solar/wind power during the afternoon which is the case worldwide and something batteries of a million different kinds is trying to make use of.

Yes it is true, on the large scale. But of course that makes no sense on the regional scale. All those solar/wind farms in Texas and the Southwest aren’t even connected (for the most part) to the Eastern Interconnection and will never feed power to someone living in New York City for example.

My point was more Apple is probably using some really simple estimates here that don’t really require your location. The original poster seems to think Apple is mapping out the entire US power grid live, and estimate what time you are most likely to be getting electricity sourced from green power at your exact wall socket. This is most surely not what Apple is doing.


macrumors regular
Jun 15, 2005
New York City

It’s not something many people I talk to know about, and it’s something when I told them they all turned off

In my industry it’s called a PIREP and a heads up to bad stuff is normally welcomed
But this is not bad, it is just that you don't like it. A PIREP is generaly used for facts: tops/bottoms, icing, wind shear, etc. PIREPS are not used to say i did not enjoy the coffee at an FBO.
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Analog Kid

macrumors G3
Mar 4, 2003
It's probably not in the privacy settings because your location is probably not sent off device.

If you ever connect to LTE, your phone location is given away by the tower. You can't stop that.
I use VPNs

It's a bit humorous that you're so concerned about privacy but don't understand what a VPN does... A VPN launders your source IP address so a destination server can't identify you. won't be able to know your IP address. It does nothing to prevent your local device from knowing where it is or what towers it's connected to, or what SSIDs are visible, or anything else that can allow your device to determine your location without ever needing to expose your location to Apple.

When you get on a plane and fly to a new time zone, and get off the plane and look at your phone does the time update to the correct time zone? Does your VPN prevent that? Do you think those towers that your phone is talking to don't know where they are and thus where you are?

So where is green nonsense, or carbon, or whatever listed? I don’t see it

Cleverly hidden in the battery settings under "battery health and charging".

Funny they think my little phone is taxing the grid…

300M smart phones * 12Whrs per phone battery * 365 charges per year = 1314GWhrs annually in the US.

That's the annual capacity of a decent number of coal powered plants.

Is it our biggest energy consumer? No. Will all the kids on the local playground start losing their teeth if you turn this off on your phone? No. Would it be nice for the people living around those plants if we collectively bring them online as little as possible? Absolutely.

but also push for everyone to have a EV with a 1,000lb battery as their daily driver 😂

I'm not sure what the weight of a battery has to do with your argument here. Yeah, heavier batteries generate more emissions than smaller batteries, but you have to be driving a very heavy EV to generate more emissions than even the most efficient gas cars:



Dec 2, 2022
I'm not sure what the weight of a battery has to do with your argument here. Yeah, heavier batteries generate more emissions than smaller batteries, but you have to be driving a very heavy EV to generate more emissions than even the most efficient gas cars [...]
Actually incorrect. The emissions to manufacture just the battery pack for a Model 3 exceeds the emissions to manufacture and operate a complete regular ICE vehicle for something like 5 years. They just don't look at those emissions as being related to the vehicle because the vehicle isn't directly generating them. This also completely disregards the emissions from the power source that generated the electricity, the typical heat conversion that takes place between generation and transmission termination, and the relative efficiency of EVs is pretty junk because of those 1000 lb batteries coupled with a regular 3000 lb vehicle. A Model 3 weighs more than my 2007 Crown Vic while being a physically smaller vehicle.

@Vref, your location is known. If you have electricity, internet, property taxes, sewer, water, any other service, that's where someone nefarious is going to get your information from, not from your mobile device. Your mobile device knows generally where you are from cell tower triangulation but your services and government know precisely where you are and store that info in a very accessible site. Your property taxes are public information and give the precise location of your property. Plus that's probably online for anyone to see.

Analog Kid

macrumors G3
Mar 4, 2003
Actually incorrect. The emissions to manufacture just the battery pack for a Model 3 exceeds the emissions to manufacture and operate a complete regular ICE vehicle for something like 5 years. They just don't look at those emissions as being related to the vehicle because the vehicle isn't directly generating them. This also completely disregards the emissions from the power source that generated the electricity, the typical heat conversion that takes place between generation and transmission termination, and the relative efficiency of EVs is pretty junk because of those 1000 lb batteries coupled with a regular 3000 lb vehicle. A Model 3 weighs more than my 2007 Crown Vic while being a physically smaller vehicle.

I linked and quoted my source pretty clearly.

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