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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 23, 2008
Hearst Castle
Wanted to hear if anyone else is waiting until at least the first service pack before moving to Lion. Especially if you are on a pre-2010 Mac Pro (I have 2008 3,1). Based on experience, when is the best time to jump. After SP1, or maybe even the second service pack?

Seems to me some of the useful Lion features need the apps to incorporate them, else it's not going to work. I am particularly worried about permission errors in a networked environment using OSX Server.

Also, the new document version control features, won't the apps need to incorporate this, since Apple is (rightly) trying to kill the "Save As" train in a networked environment?

We upgraded to Snow Leopard very quickly, but there is a lot more going on with Lion and workflows, and the chance for disaster much more likely.

Maybe this is just personal bias, but I view us peeps on the Pro line as likely having more complex setups and interacting with many different systems, and thus the likelihood for error is increased. So that's why I'm asking here, instead of the general OSX forum.
10.7.2 is already on the developer download center, so that wait may be shorter than you think.

I've already moved my 2008 MP to Lion though. Of course I do have a bootable 10.6.8 clone of my old drive handy... ;)
10.7.2 is already on the developer download center, so that wait may be shorter than you think.

I've already moved my 2008 MP to Lion though. Of course I do have a bootable 10.6.8 clone of my old drive handy... ;)

Same for my 2009.
Stop calling delta updates (point releases) service packs. Please. It stinks of the MS. Anyway I will most likely wait till SP4-8.:p
Wanted to hear if anyone else is waiting until at least the first service pack before moving to Lion. Especially if you are on a pre-2010 Mac Pro (I have 2008 3,1). Based on experience, when is the best time to jump. After SP1, or maybe even the second service pack?

Seems to me some of the useful Lion features need the apps to incorporate them, else it's not going to work. I am particularly worried about permission errors in a networked environment using OSX Server.

Also, the new document version control features, won't the apps need to incorporate this, since Apple is (rightly) trying to kill the "Save As" train in a networked environment?

We upgraded to Snow Leopard very quickly, but there is a lot more going on with Lion and workflows, and the chance for disaster much more likely.

Maybe this is just personal bias, but I view us peeps on the Pro line as likely having more complex setups and interacting with many different systems, and thus the likelihood for error is increased. So that's why I'm asking here, instead of the general OSX forum.

Having already downgraded my MP back to SL I think I'll revisit the Lion issue by 7.3. It seemed to take about that long for SL to work really well.
I'm sticking to my general upgrade behavior and that is upgrade when they're on 10.7.3.
That may be so, but fact remains the Wacom drivers are buggy. ;)

10.7.2… and then I'll see.

Good point (and my concern with the upgrade as well) but Wacom drivers, albeit buggy, at least worked slightly better than they do now. (understood on by user reports and not trying myself).
MacBook Pro went to Lion on launch.

Apart from a few bugs on launch day it's been plain sailing.

Need to confirm my backup NAS will work properly with TM and buy a Magic Trackpad before committing!

But yes, as of 10.7.0 I'm happy Lion is OK to use in my work environment.
Agreed. I am still dual booting...

Came up with another idea today. I've got a couple of 1TB WD drives laying around (including the one that came on the MP). I'm going to buy another HD sled and make a Lion-only boot drive that I can occasionally slip into the computer and fiddle around with the new OS as updates, tricks and tips come my way via the Net.
I have 10.7 on an SSD from OWC on my MP08 8-Core and it basically made my computer faster than new. It's quite a nice – relatively – affordable upgrade for this machine.

So far, no bugs. I have 10.6.8 hanging around until at least a .2 or .3 release.
These are some good ideas. I have one SSD and two Velociraptors in this 08 Pro, maybe I'll wipe one and put Lion on there and give it a spin. Incidentally, this is why I love Mac Pros.

Anyway thanks for the reports on Lion. I think I'm going to do the update once the first update is released. Now I need to read up on how to do a complete, clean install. I've never done an OS incremental upgrade and I'm not about to start now, the app store be damned.
Came up with another idea today. I've got a couple of 1TB WD drives laying around...
Same here...

I'm going to buy another HD sled and make a Lion-only boot drive that I can occasionally slip into the computer and fiddle around with the new OS as updates, tricks and tips come my way via the Net.
I have a couple of these that I'm not using. I had the same plan for messing around with Lion on my 2008 3,1 mac pro.

As for the permanent upgrade of all my macs to Lion (mac pro, macbook pro, iMac, and mini), I didn't upgrade Leopard to Snow Leopard until 10.6.6. Unless Lion blows my socks off with [Jack Black voice]PURE AWESOMENESS[\Jack Black voice], I'll probably do the same with 10.7.

Like a little girl, I'm sitting upon a star, wishing that 10.8 will be less iOS-like. Unlike a little girl, I don't hold on to impossible wishes: 10.6 was the last of the great Mac OS.

Luckily for me, like a little girl, I really like white leopards. :-D

+1 Loa

At this point in time, I am thinking keep the MBP quad-core on SL, and play with Lion on the MBA (it's a toy, after all).

I use Final Cut Pro, Capture One Pro, Aperture, CS4, AutoPano Pro and a bunch of other apps—and all are stable and fast on SL.

I once made the mistake of upgrading a version in Tiger (anyone here remember that OS?) and promptly became the first person in the world to learn that the upgrade disabled the Log and Capture function that was at the heart of FCP in those days of tape capture, and I am loath to repeat this.

And, to me, SL feels like a 'computer OS', too.
I have been using Lion for several days although not doing anything complicated. All the problems I encountered were related to third-party applications. Thus, for Lion to work more pleasantly, the third-party developers must catch up quickly with their applications.
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