Thanks. That would save me a lot of reading and calculating if I just changed the CPU to the X5677 and it worked straight out of the box with my B08 Rom. I won't have any other issues if I just swap the processors?
Thanks. That would save me a lot of reading and calculating if I just changed the CPU to the X5677 and it worked straight out of the box with my B08 Rom. I won't have any other issues if I just swap the processors?
Well, upgraded to 5.1. First part done. It was very simple - printed out and followed the instructions. The fact that my boot ROM was B08 wasn't an issue.
Now to upgrade the processor!
Update: Problems - the hex screw on the extreme right of the heatsink has a worn top and the Allen Key is just going round and round. I'm guessing I can remove the whole thing by detaching the PCB from the frame, undoing the 8 black screws around the outside of the PCB. Problem number 2, don't know what screw head these are - my usual crosshead screwdriver doesn't fit.
In El Capitan, Apple has enabled System Integrity Protection. You need to disable it in order to update the firmware. Here you go...
1. Download Mac Pro 2009-2010 Firmware tool
2. Download firmware for Mac Pro 5.1 (MacProEFIUpdate.dmg)
Disable System Integrity Protection:
3. Restart your 2009 Mac Pro holding Command + R (you will restart into Recovery Mode)
4. In Recovery mode, click on "Utilities" and select Terminal
5. In Terminal, type csrutil disable
6. Press Return
7. Restart Mac Pro
Run Updater:
8. Once restarted, Double click (mount) MacProEFIUpdate.dmg
9. Once it is mounted on desktop, Run Mac Pro 2009-2010 Firmware tool
10. Shut down Mac pro.
11. Once shut down, hold the Power Button until you hear a tone, and let go.
Your computer will now upgrade firmware.
Last steps..
Enable System Integrity Protection:
12. Restart your 2009 Mac Pro holding Command + R (you will restart into Recovery Mode)
13. In Recovery mode, click on "Utilities" and select Terminal
14. In Terminal, type csrutil enable
15. Press Return
16. Restart Mac Pro
Does this work with a non-Apple GPU?
Simple answer is NO, an EFI GPU is required. However, flashed card also work. And so far, I haven't seen any report about if it's possible to finish the update with no GPU installed.
Okay, I've installed Win10 under bootcamp.
I took this screen shot of the GPU-Z
Looks like I have the correct bios installed?
Looks like UEFI is available.
What am I missing? Why can't I upgrade my 4,1 Mac Pro to 5,1?
In El Capitan, Apple has enabled System Integrity Protection. You need to disable it in order to update the firmware. Here you go...
1. Download Mac Pro 2009-2010 Firmware tool
2. Download firmware for Mac Pro 5.1 (MacProEFIUpdate.dmg)
Disable System Integrity Protection:
3. Restart your 2009 Mac Pro holding Command + R (you will restart into Recovery Mode)
4. In Recovery mode, click on "Utilities" and select Terminal
5. In Terminal, type csrutil disable
6. Press Return
7. Restart Mac Pro
Run Updater:
8. Once restarted, Double click (mount) MacProEFIUpdate.dmg
9. Once it is mounted on desktop, Run Mac Pro 2009-2010 Firmware tool
10. Shut down Mac pro.
11. Once shut down, hold the Power Button until you hear a tone, and let go.
Your computer will now upgrade firmware.
Last steps..
Enable System Integrity Protection:
12. Restart your 2009 Mac Pro holding Command + R (you will restart into Recovery Mode)
13. In Recovery mode, click on "Utilities" and select Terminal
14. In Terminal, type csrutil enable
15. Press Return
16. Restart Mac Pro
In El Capitan, Apple has enabled System Integrity Protection. You need to disable it in order to update the firmware. Here you go...
1. Download Mac Pro 2009-2010 Firmware tool
2. Download firmware for Mac Pro 5.1 (MacProEFIUpdate.dmg)
Disable System Integrity Protection:
3. Restart your 2009 Mac Pro holding Command + R (you will restart into Recovery Mode)
4. In Recovery mode, click on "Utilities" and select Terminal
5. In Terminal, type csrutil disable
6. Press Return
7. Restart Mac Pro
Run Updater:
8. Once restarted, Double click (mount) MacProEFIUpdate.dmg
9. Once it is mounted on desktop, Run Mac Pro 2009-2010 Firmware tool
10. Shut down Mac pro.
11. Once shut down, hold the Power Button until you hear a tone, and let go.
Your computer will now upgrade firmware.
Last steps..
Enable System Integrity Protection:
12. Restart your 2009 Mac Pro holding Command + R (you will restart into Recovery Mode)
13. In Recovery mode, click on "Utilities" and select Terminal
14. In Terminal, type csrutil enable
15. Press Return
16. Restart Mac Pro
I have the same problem with B08. Tried all day yesterday and could never get it to install the firmware ordered a Yosemite disk today. I will migrate as many files as I can to a spare drive. I had 5,1 in this computer . It had Sierra and a really slow drive so I put my El Capitan SSD in it, booted 3 times before it came up. I was really happy until I checked the model number and it went back to 4,1. Thats usually the way things go for me. RegardsI just wanted to add my experience...
I had the B08 firmware, on a completely stock 2009 Nehalem Dual 2.66GHz. I also was running El Capitan. I was able to fully run the firmware update tool, but it never actually got the point where it installed the firmware. I followed the above directions to the letter. Luckily, I had Mountain Lion still on another internal disk. I set that as the start up disk, re-ran it all, and it worked perfectly.
So I think there is definitely some merit to the notion that El Capitan, mixed with the B08 firmware is DOA. Was for me at least, regardless of SIP.
Hope this helps anyone else out there that might be struggling.
Also, I am using this service to save myself any headaches. He did it for my co-worker who does music composing with Pro Tools, and it came out amazing...
Not having any luck with this. I have a Mac Pro (Early 2009), 2.66 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 16 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 ECC memory, NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 512 MB graphics that I bought from Apple in 2010. Currently running El Capitan.
Did all of the recommendations above and it still won't update. No longer have an older system. What are my options? Would like to run High Sierra. Perhaps even upgrade the processor if I can get past this step. TIA
Make sure your current firmware version is B07 or B08.
Make sure SIP is disabled. Or if possible, install Mavericks for just firmware upgrade.
Make sure you download and mount the required 5,1 firmware updater from Apple website.
Make sure you run the Netkas firmware upgrade tool from the good internal hard drive (the stock HDD is the best choice).
I just did another firmware upgrade a few weeks ago. It's definitely still working.
In El Capitan, Apple has enabled System Integrity Protection. You need to disable it in order to update the firmware. Here you go...
1. Download Mac Pro 2009-2010 Firmware tool
2. Download firmware for Mac Pro 5.1 (MacProEFIUpdate.dmg)
Disable System Integrity Protection:
3. Restart your 2009 Mac Pro holding Command + R (you will restart into Recovery Mode)
4. In Recovery mode, click on "Utilities" and select Terminal
5. In Terminal, type csrutil disable
6. Press Return
7. Restart Mac Pro
Run Updater:
8. Once restarted, Double click (mount) MacProEFIUpdate.dmg
9. Once it is mounted on desktop, Run Mac Pro 2009-2010 Firmware tool
10. Shut down Mac pro.
11. Once shut down, hold the Power Button until you hear a tone, and let go.
Your computer will now upgrade firmware.
Last steps..
Enable System Integrity Protection:
12. Restart your 2009 Mac Pro holding Command + R (you will restart into Recovery Mode)
13. In Recovery mode, click on "Utilities" and select Terminal
14. In Terminal, type csrutil enable
15. Press Return
16. Restart Mac Pro
It's easier to run the MacEFIROM tool from El Capitan and you have to run the Apple EFI update from B04 to B07 before doing trying to cross-flash.Guys i was having the same problem turns out it was just that my Firmware was B04 (if im right
But the problem is before I had given up all hope for the firmware upgrade as i was following a YT tutorial and it did not mention about the Firmware and I just followed DosDude1's tutorial to update my mac to High Sierra using the tool he provides on his website.
Now my question can I upgrade my firmware even if im in High Sierra or do I have to downgrade it to El Capitan as i have already bought a new Processor for my mac and really want to upgrade it.
And also I have ended up here because of this ifixit post