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Harry Tainte

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 7, 2015
I have a M1 MBP running Big Sur 11.6. I have a music library of 31 GB, resident on the local HDD.

Thinks have been 'OK' (though I consider iTunes to have been a seriously-flawed program in 2001 which got more flawed with each iteration, and the Music app has maintained that devolution).

But I tolerate it.

Lately, however, when I open the app it attempts to load the music files (nearly-identical copy of the music files on my HDD) from iCloud, instead of accessing the files resident on the HDD. This takes FOREVER! I'm locked out watching it try to load.

Checking system prefs, it does not appear that any setting to iCloud drive would cause the computer to think it needs to go to iCloud to find and load the library or files. So the big questions are: 1) Why in God's name did it start doing this? And 2) How do I get it to behave like it did before?

And I guess the other Qs would be 3) What sort of igit at Apple could even imagine that this would be a good idea?, and 4) As the account holder, why do I not have control over where the Music app looks for the files? and 5) what would happen if I try to rebuild the library?

Any help or suggestions you gurus might have will be most welcome.
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