Well, I'd love to be able to build a program that analyzes a set of data to determine if there's any statistically significant patterns over a period of time. Ideally, this program would be able to automatically extrapolate the relevant data from source files such as excel, and then automatically generate graphical output of the results.
For example, let's say I want to analyze enrolment data for an academic department over the period of two semesters. This would include information such as course title, year of study, day/time, instructor, classroom, and so on. I have data from each week of each term, and so I can track how enrolment has fluctuated over the two-semester period. Ideally, this program would be able to automatically extract/format the relevant data from the weekly spreadsheets, and then perform statistical analysis to determine what is the principal driver of, say, dropping enrolment numbers. This could provide useful insights -- e.g., courses scheduled before 9am have high drop rate, Prof. X has excellent student retention rates, etc. In addition, it would be helpful if visual aids were automatically generated based on the output results (e.g., graphs, pie charts, etc.).
I just described SPSS, lol. But seriously, I'd like to be able to create a program like this, but designed for one very specific purpose, so that I can simplify the functions and layout, thus making it more accessible for non-technical users. I'm absolutely neurotic about UI functionality and design, so although I could probably find a program to meet my computing needs, I'm unlikely to ever be entirely satisfied with it.
I realize this isn't a feasible project for a beginner, but hey, you asked!