Brother Michael said:Ok I just decided to spend the gig and installed XCode...If that is overkill, then I will just remove the XCode and Interface Builder...I mean I can do that right?
Anyways, I built my first program simple hello world.
int main()
cout << "Hello World!";
return 0;
Pretty sure that is all I need right? I mean I compiled it with "gcc" and it didn't like my "cout" command. Alright this program is stored in "~/documents/programs" so that I know where they all are. Is this a problem? Can my compiler not locate my "iostream" library? For 1.5 gig of an install for XCode I better have a simple input output library...
Keep in mind though I have never programmed before and even though I am fimiliar with UNIX through using Linux, I am very much a novice...
Try g++ instead of gcc