I feel like I'm spinning my wheels here, everything I say you disagree with to make the nMP look better.. I feel like I'm being subtly trolled... I'll bite one last time though.
Yet you stated the contrary
as fact anyway, didn't you?
Anyone dealing with 3D modeling/animation probably is dual booting to Windows on their Mac Pro anyway.
Or just owns a PC, as AidenShaw does.
Although now that I have dual GPU's, a first for me, I think I'll just keep a Windows copy available in case I want to do some crossfire gaming. I've never had a computer that could run new AAA titles at high quality before.
I was talking about Windows Pro apps and FirePros... you certainly do not need FirePro for gaming. There are much cheaper and faster options for gaming than the D700, even when you ignore the extra features in the nMP which have low performance/price ratios that make the nMP uneconomical for this purpose
If they do work as well as W7000, then you are getting dual W7000 for half the price. We may see many PC users buying these Mac Pro's just for that.
Again, you clearly do not know how much W7000 actually cost. Also, those cards come with actual certification to work in those applications and full support/warranties for several years which the Dx00 do not have.
And if you are dealing with any apps on OS X that uses dual GPU's.
There are setups with better price/performance than the Dx00...
Which ones? Probably most 3D animations apps should be multi GPU aware, for quite some time now.
An expert, then? Why don't you google it, as I did. I'm not going to wipe your butt for you.
290X, since I have absolutely no use for W9000.
Wrong. I have sold 3 of my Mac Pro's for 70% of their retail value after using them for 1-1.5 years.
Can you please read the sentence you quoted:
unless you're a reseller, value is independent of price. Since you can't sell the D700 out of the nMP to a larger market, it's theoretical resell value is even more irrelevant.
You want to have it both ways: The W9000 isn't worth very much to you in comparison to cheaper cards except in terms of it's
retail value, but you then go on to say that the D700 has similar value in spite of the fact that it doesn't have the ability to be resold as the same price.
Things are not better simply based on their price. When you go to a restaurant and order off a lunch menu that has every item at $8.99, do you choose one at random because you think they're all the same? Value is indendent of price, price only factors into something if you're planning on (and if you can) resell it
which is exactly what I said.
Why am I explaining the Mengerian theory of value on a tech forum? I'm reexamining my life right now.
Yes the only time I actually bought a non-Apple GPU upgrade, I ended up paying 180$ shipment for exchanging the card 2 times because it just kept dying. GTX 285 from EVGA.
Why don't you do a search for X1900 failures, 8800GT failures on this forum? Just because something's from Apple doesn't mean it has any longevity or lasts any longer. We have no idea how long the Dx00 will last or what the failure rates are and we wont for some months.
I will point out that I replaced my x1900 by buying an upgraded card online from a 3rd party retailer and without voiding the warranty on my Mac Pro--something nMP owners will not be able to do.
How is the nMP superior in terms of replacing failing cards? And yes, there will be dead/dying Dx00, just a matter of percentages and time. This will be especially prevalent in use-cases that push the cards to high temps.
You point out that the new Radeons excel at OpenCl performance beyond the D700, you claim you
would prefer a new radeon en lieu of a Dx00, and then you go on to say that the only advantages are in gaming. Why do I get the feeling I'm being trolled?