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Nebrot, I have tested Mountain Lion with NovaBench and i gets about 30fps in graphic benchmark, on lion it was more than 50 fps. Other results like cpu/ memory performance were similar to lion.
It's macbook pro early 2011 13'
- much faster
- less ram usage
- mbp runs cooler
- fans seem to behave better. they'll ramp down faster once temp comes down now, rather than sitting on 6200rpm for ages, when temp gets high they spin up a bit and down when temp starts to stabilise/drop.

I'm very glad to hear of these! I have a MacBook Pro from the same generation and I'll definitely appreciate these improvements. The produced heat and the persistent fan behaviour both annoy me quite a bit.
You can't change the width of websites in full screen mode in Safari - a big con for me, as I no longer can run Safari in full screen at all.
I come from snow leopard and I'm very pleased with mountain lion.

I'm not surprised it's not available and it's probably not important to the average user but it would be nice to see more options to configure the mouse. Usb overdrive or steermouse are a must-have to me on my 27" iMac.
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Nebrot, I have tested Mountain Lion with NovaBench and i gets about 30fps in graphic benchmark, on lion it was more than 50 fps. Other results like cpu/ memory performance were similar to lion.
It's macbook pro early 2011 13'

You may find that if you are running an HD3000, that the OpenGL support in ML is more complete (later version of OpenGL i think?) and that features Lion could not enable are being enabled. Thus, the benchmark is slower (maybe ML is doing some OpenGL stuff on the CPU in software instead of simply not supporting the feature), but it is rendering at higher quality, perhaps?
Everything good but I have 3 issues so far:

1. Can't drag icons off the dock to remove them, I have to right click and select remove from dock
2. If i right click and select change desktop background, system prefs start but i have to click it in the dock for the window to show up
3. my shared library in iphoto won't show, all i get is the beach ball and have to force quit

everything else seems to work. I did have a lockup with final cut but not sure its ML(GM) that caused that.
throAU you are in wrong. On mountain lion graphic result in performance is lower than in lion and all animations in mountain lion are not as smooth as in Lion.
Everything good but I have 3 issues so far:

1. Can't drag icons off the dock to remove them, I have to right click and select remove from dock

You still can, actually. You have to drag slowly and a little higher up than you used to have to.
Nebrot, I have tested Mountain Lion with NovaBench and i gets about 30fps in graphic benchmark, on lion it was more than 50 fps. Other results like cpu/ memory performance were similar to lion.
It's macbook pro early 2011 13'

Just tried my iMac with NovaBench, these are the results in Mountain Lion.

Screen Shot 2012-07-12 at 1.29.38 PM.png
I got 30fps for my 2011 i7 13" MBA with ML but I didn't test it with Lion so I can't compare.
Pros & cons coming from Lion.

From what I have seen from users:


Faster, smoother, greater customization.


- Still need to fully restore SAVE AS

- Auto Terminate still exists

- No ability to customize the green zoom button

Why do these features matter? Quotes from Around the web:


"I found it rather painful that during one of the Developer video's about iCloud if I remember correctly, the presenter mentioned that they re-enabled 'Save as' . The whole crowd was cheering, just for 'Save as'."

"I can not fathom why 'save as' was removed from Apple apps. I most certainly was not for the convenience of the user."

"There is no reason why Apple could not provide an option in preferences to keep Save as...

"Just discovered this "feature" myself and I'll also be filling in a feedback form to point out what an appalling idea this was. When I read that "Save As..." has been totally removed, can't even be activated as an option, I shook my head."

"Save As… is very useful for those of us who have multiple forms which we customize as needed, or take an existing document and revise it for another client/purpose/date and do not want to write over the existing saved file."

"I think Apple was wrong on this one. Save As NEEDS to come back . . . all the way back."

"THIS is why I have not, and will not, upgrade to Mountain Lion yet. I use modified versions of old lesson plans constantly. I agree. It took a simple one-step process and made it a convoluted two step process. RETURN Save As… To its rightful place…"

"Really, Apple, what’s with “Command-Option-Shift-S” This is a “solution” that reeks of Microsoft-level committee-think. Don’t fix what isn’t broken."

"(Command-Option-Shift-S), How Microsoftian, How about reverting it to it’s perfectly functional original state?"

"Command option shift S to save? WTF? Has Microsoft gained control of OS X??"

"The people that invented versions and that took away save as should be prosecuted for damages to the well being of humanity!"

"It eludes us why Cupertino has been so reluctant to just put it back in where it has always been, as requested by everyone. Not a single comment in both aforementioned articles says anything positive about this change. Honestly, Apple."

"The one recent change that I dislike is the "save a version", "duplicate," and "export" options for documents. I think this adds a lot of unnecessary complexity. It should simply be "save" "save as" and "restore from save." "Save" would save a version. "Save as" would default to the old behavior of saving it to a new document, rather than duplicating and prompting you to commit the changes you've made to the new document. "Restore from save" would give you the option to roll back to any previous save of the document via the Versions window. This would retain most of the new functionality that had been introduced in Lion and would be more intuitive."

Auto Terminate:

"When an app shuts down without my permission it is a crash, not a feature!"

Apple's Lion HUI guidelines tell us that "sudden and unexpected quitting of an application enhances the user experience".

This is by far, the stupidest thing ever to be declared as a standard from Apple.

I have machines with 12 and 8 GB of RAM and Apple thinks it will enhance me experience be auto quitting an app that takes up 19.7 MB of RAM?

This is not helpful. This is frustrating and makes having to use OS X an inconsistent and unpleasant experience."

"I can understand quitting an app with no documents to save memory in a memory constrained condition, but Auto Terminate....

1. It isn't really quitting! It's just disabling the display of the GUI.

2. This isn't a memory constrained condition! There is 3 GB free!

Here is how you can test this:

Open a document in TextEdit on Lion.

Close it. Make sure that there are no other documents open in TextEdit.

Click on the Finder.

Command tab back to TextEdit.

It's gone. It's not even in the list of applications you can command tab back to.

But what's worse is that the app doesn't quit. It's still running. You can see this in the Activity Monitor. The user is just prevented from accessing the UI unless they actually go back and launch the app again. This forces the user to perform unnecessary steps for no reason."

"The main reason I hate this feature, apart from the fact I am used the need to user-quit, is efficiency. Why, you ask? Because I use various apps from time to time during my computer usage, and I want the apps to respond instantly (or almost) - why else have quad-core processors, 4 GB of RAM and SS drives? When apps auto-quit (e.g. Preview), I then later double-click an image or PDF and the icon sits there bouncing 4-5 times until the file opens. That is utter BS - when apps don't quit, they respond immediately when a user needs them.

This is why the Auto-Quit feature from Apple $uck$ big-time, and why it better get removed or as a minimum have a global user-selected preferences"

"If you have been using the Mac for as long as I have, you do it because you love the Mac. All these changes being put into Lion have been a usability and productivity mess for me. If Apple continues in this direction, we will not have the Mac that we loved. We'll have an operating system we'll have to deal with, not one we like.

That is what I currently call "Windows".

Remember Clippy? Do you want all the things that Clippy suggested to be done automatically for you? WIthout even asking? That's where it seems Lion is already heading and it's really not enjoyable."

"Count me in with that complaint. I think auto-quitting -- and in particular auto-quitting document-based applications -- is the worst "feature" ever introduced in an Apple system. I hate it."

"I simple don't understand what the advantage of auto-quitting is supposed to be. Idle apps use almost no cpu cycles. OSX memory is paged out when needed (something that does not happen in iOS b.t.w. so here is another difference) so they don't block RAM.

The only "advantage" I can see is that the Dock icon of the quit app vanishes. But many users crowd their Docks with all apps used anyway. In this case the difference is only that the Dock icon of the quit app has less functionality. And the people who want only the apps they are currently working with or use very often in the Dock will probably prefer the old way.

If Apple thinks that auto-quitting is a feature it should be an option. I'm even fine with it being the default. But it would be wonderful if Apple provided a way to disable auto-quitting, preferably as a global option as well as a per-app option."

"WHOA! In 10.7.x, Xcode auto quits with no windows open?

I spend my day in Xcode. This will drive me up the wall as I'm opening and closing projects."

Green Zoom Button:

Quotes from Around the web:

Inconsistent Zoom Button behavior (Third Party developers decide how the window will scale instead of the user)

"Zoom is a nice concept it just doesn't work very well in practice, never has. If Apple changed Zoom so it always reverts back to the previous window size when clicking it a second time (like the maximize button on Windows) it would tremendously improve the feature."

"The little green orb (it includes a plus symbol + when the mouse hovers over it) has always confounded me as to what it will do each time I click on it. It has become known around my office as the “green random window size changing button”.

"Right Size” results are inconsistent. Some windows will go full height, some full width, a few full screen, there’s no knowing what result you’ll get."

"The green plus button is more of a wild card feature where some completely random function will be preformed on the targeted window."

"Turned on my mac book pro today to surf the web, hit the green button, an the screen got smaller."

(2.) Some refuse to switch to Mac because of lack of a maximize button.

"This is the one thing that keeps me away from the Mac platform. I use both but I’d much prefer windows over Mac. I absolutely HATE that it doesn’t maximize.

"The lack of a true Maximize button is my biggest complaint with the MAC OS. I truly hate it. Apple: please give me the option.

"I will not buy a mac until it gets the same maximize functionality as windows."

(3.) Switchers who are still frustrated

"This is one of the things I have missed the most about my PC, which trust me are not a lot. The Mac OS is the best on the planet, but there are features in Windows and Linux that I wish OS X would incorporate. Maximize is one of them."

"I am 100% mac but this still bothers me. If I want the browser window to be the size of the site, I’ll, on those rare occasions, re-size the window myself."

"It's my humble opinion that clicking the zoom button for the second time should ALWAYS revert the window back to its original size."

"I just received my first ever Mac today, a MBP and I was thinking, “Man, this thing is SWEET!" However, I’m not sure if I’ll ever get used to the whole ‘Best Fit’ as opposed to Maximize which all us Ex-Windows patrons have grown to know and love

"Wake up Apple, the green circle STINKS and everyone knows it. I use two Macs and one windows machine, I gotta say I can't stand the current Zoom button function."

"I just ordered a Mac (after using a PC for past 10 years) and this REALLY annoys me – I don’t know why Apple doesn't permanently “fix” this."

Apple: please, somehow and somewhere, add a way of maximizing windows to OSX."

"I just don’t understand why Apple doesn’t simply provide an option in preferences to let users choose how they want this button to work."

"This feature has also bugged me since becoming a Mac user about six years ago. It would indeed be nice if there was some way for the user to adjust its behavior. It could be included in each application's preferences under zoom behaviors."

"It would be nice if Apple made a new function that forces the app to full screen, or at least allow us to decided what we want the green button to do."

"Couldn't agree more about the 'zoom' button, I think this is the most annoying Mac UI feature, and most useless, I would prefer it was changed to maximize."

(4.) Switchers who have returned to Windows because of the lack of a maximize button.

"To be honest, I was thinking of returning my mac JUST for this reason. (I have a client who returned a 24 inch iMac because of this issue)"

"This is the primary reason I left Mac the first time, I've just recently bought a mac for the second time. (I'm a developer)"

"I tried to adapt to the Mac way of doing things but it's just crazy. This has been pissing me off for years.

Runs cooler: lion would make this laptop run very hot

Reduced ram usage: I have alot more free ram on Mountain Lion than in Lion overall and its snappier than SL or Lion.

Improved battery life: I get at least 2 hours more battery on mountain lion. Than i do with lion.


Animation is still laggy: Apple needs to update its graphics drivers the animations are a slight improvement over lion but its still laggy

Other than that i think apple did a really good job with Mountain lion.

Runs cooler: lion would make this laptop run very hot

Reduced ram usage: I have alot more free ram on Mountain Lion than in Lion overall and its snappier than SL or Lion.

Improved battery life: I get at least 2 hours more battery on mountain lion. Than i do with lion.


Animation is still laggy: Apple needs to update its graphics drivers the animations are a slight improvement over lion but its still laggy

Other than that i think apple did a really good job with Mountain lion.

I've heard that OCZ SSD drives do NOT work under this true at all?
- No ability to customize the green zoom button

Like choosing between filling up the screen or fitting the content size? I'd pretty much prefer the latter.

Agree on the automatic termination point. It's retarded. It feels like Apple is dumbing down the OS to the point that they think the users no longer have the ability to voluntarily quit apps.
Interesting, could you please elaborate on this? What hardware (from 2011 i guess) do you use? What exactly is weaker?

I have to agree with this. I have an early 2011 13" MBP and as soon as I loaded the GM on I noticed the stuttery core graphics. All UI animations are significantly less fluid than under Lion which is a big surprise since I thought this was supposed to make things faster if anything (especially since Snow Leopard was faster than Lion). In any case it's the one disappointment for me with this release and I do hope Apple don't disregard it even though this is now "last gen" hardware. They do need to get better with testing and writing good drivers though. It seems to be a total crapshoot and since there's no way to change to other drivers (outside of downgrading) it's aggravating at times. For me, I've had an up and down experience with drivers since I got this machine with Snow Leopard all the way up to Mountain Lion now, but this is definitely the worst it's been. If I have more than a couple windows open and go into Mission Control it looks like it renders about 3 frames of the opening animation.
regarding the auto quit function, just do this in your terminal:

defaults write -g NSDisableAutomaticTermination -bool yes

it will stop the auto termination of apps
I have to agree with this. I have an early 2011 13" MBP and as soon as I loaded the GM on I noticed the stuttery core graphics. All UI animations are significantly less fluid than under Lion which is a big surprise since I thought this was supposed to make things faster if anything (especially since Snow Leopard was faster than Lion). In any case it's the one disappointment for me with this release and I do hope Apple don't disregard it even though this is now "last gen" hardware. They do need to get better with testing and writing good drivers though. It seems to be a total crapshoot and since there's no way to change to other drivers (outside of downgrading) it's aggravating at times. For me, I've had an up and down experience with drivers since I got this machine with Snow Leopard all the way up to Mountain Lion now, but this is definitely the worst it's been. If I have more than a couple windows open and go into Mission Control it looks like it renders about 3 frames of the opening animation.

That's way I downgraded to Lion.
Mostly good for me with Mountain Lion. No crashes or hangs! The audio bug I've been experiencing since Lion is still there, though. :(
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