Here is the modified text, for those having trouble understanding what changed.
Which primarily impacted any Apple ID created as a new dotMac, MobileMe, or iCloud account (creating a new Apple ID during setup of those services rather than using a previously created Apple ID).
It does not require the new email to be in your "reachable ats," but it might not let you enter an email that is another Apple ID's reachables. My second gmail is unavailable even though it's never been used as a reachable on my main Apple ID, but I think I used it as a recovery email for one of the handful of MobileMe test accounts I used to have. Or, I might have used that gmail last month in a blocked attempt to create a test iCloud account while I was troubleshooting my keychains. So anyway, expect some bugginess with what emails you can use.
That sucks and it’s exactly what I’m afraid of. But it seems that now I can change my iCloud email to the same Gmail I use for the App Store? Is that correct?
Are there any downsides to using a Gmail email as my primary iCloud ID?
I just don’t understand how a company as technically savvy as Apple doesn't have a way to merge your emails or allow the change I’ve been hoping for.
Nothing you do to your second "iCloud" Apple ID will merge it with the first
or give it access to the purchase history of the first.
There's nothing inherently wrong with
carefully (backing up everything, bracing yourself for some problems with duplicates) migrating your "iCloud data" ("iCloud data" is not a thing; but meaning all the contacts, bookmarks, photos, etc that iCloud syncs) to a new iCloud account created with the first Apple ID (if one has not been created already; whether an Apple ID is already provisioned for iCloud can be safely tested by trying to add the Apple ID as an iCloud account in syspref > Internet Accounts), and then relegating the second Apple ID to email only. However, these days, creating new iCloud accounts (or provisioning iCloud on existing Apple IDs) requires phone number verification, so it can be difficult to double up even if you have a Mac or iOS device that would otherwise be eligible to create one.