What makes you think the Mac Pro is Apple's Flagship?
It may be the biggest, heaviest, and most expensive, but that doesn't make it their flagship.
Technically the flagship is whatever ship the admiral is on. It never is necessarily the biggest ship. In the Apple Mac context, it seems extremely likely that Steve Jobs spent more time obsessing over MBA details over the last 2-3 years than Mac Pro details. Neither one of those is an "iSomething". The widespread whining about iPods, iPhones, and even iMacs completely misses the point.
Apple has been making the best computers possible for decades. They've only been the most profitable company on earth for a couple of years. Draw your own conclusions.
Only they are not the most profitable.
Exxon Mobile. --> $149B profit.
Apple --> $127B revenue (that's not profit. Profit was 43.8B )
Apple benefits from the widespread kool-aid drinking that somehow a company that makes $100B less in profits each year should have a higher market capitalization than one that does. Exxon makes more in profits that Apple does in revenues.
Apple's Mac operation has been profitable for a very long time now. While not "most" it is substantial on its own.
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